Friday, January 17, 2025

But, For How Long?

Gah, I just googled "at what temperature should a whole hen be baked?" 
Then I came over to the couch and plugged my full sized keyboard into the phone using an, up to now handy adapter...
It's pecking away one finger tap at a time, for me.
The Lenovo Thinkpad that hung in there for like 9 years, the last 4 of which without ever being turned off, has finally crapped out with, I believe, a power supply issue being the straw that broke the back of an already burdened camel.
It fails before even loading the operating system, which rules out everything else but the power supply, in my opinion (forged through about 2 years of working as a "computer" technician).
It's kinda like if you were given the task of finding one thing that might be making a certain place uninhabitable.
Then you show up there, and flip the light switch on, ready to have a good look around; but the lights don't go on...
Problem diagnosed in milliseconds...
So my brainstorm is to buy a "brand new" refurbished Thinkpad, and just pop the hard drive out of the old one into it, turn it on and resume computing as if nothing happened....
Except, if I can find one with 16 gigs of ram (up from the 4 that I'm used to) and one that is reduced in price because it's missing a hard drive, well, that is what I give God thanks for -just for creating the possibility that such a machine might be found....

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Music For Dwelling

I can speakAbove: As a sophomore...
stuff in here but I cannot type stuff in here. Plugging my full sized keyboard into the phone isn't working, but I can speak the blog post in. 
I've been practicing the guitar out of several method books, recently, having had a miniature eureka(!) moment, of sorts, after which I started to watch television and practice at the same time. There is an absolute benefit to being able to pay attention to an external stimuli, like a TV show about true crimes, and to be practicing the material simultaneously. It totally disengages the two orbs of the brain from each other; in my opinion; as much of a brain surgeon as I am.
It was Nuno Bettencourt, I think, who was talking about some extremely (excuse the pun) difficult riff that he said took him "3 movies" to learn because, yes; he would just mechanically repeat the phrase, taking it in different sized chunks, throughout the duration of, in this example, 5 hours of motion pictures...
Above: How much do I love the clock on my wall? Enough to have made replicate earrings, so I can take it everywhere I go!!

I am like a musician reborn, having been able, with considerable effort, throw a binary switch in my brain and practice like Nuno.
I might add to this post if I can solve the keyboard dilemma...
I think I've had this issue before and I have solved it by bringing up the blogger interface through the Chrome browser and not through the app which is the blogger app but which does not allow me to plug a huge keyboard into the phone through an adapter and type away but if I visit the site using Chrome...

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Unpacking The Attack

There, on my “antenna” TV, after I’d pressed the red button on the remote Thursday night, appeared a telecast emanating from the St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Jackson Square.

It was a “multi-faith” memorial type service, in observation of the 14 people killed in the “terrorist attack,” on Bourbon Street the other night. 

OK, about 4 things to unpack here…🫠

Cynicism Rising In My Throat

 I found myself initially cynical, especially upon seeing acting president Joe Biden, and his wife, Doctor Jill, seated in the very first pew.

 I was praying that the event wasn’t going to be “politicized” more than could be helped by the parties involved.

I was prepared to cringe. 

It seems that "the narrative,” was to revolve around the “terrorist attack” aspect of it.

The mainstream media seemed to have ordered all their useful idiots to “make sure you drill down on the ‘terrorist attack’ thing."

I think this is because, in the near future, there will be a push for no more human piloted vehicles. For the protection of all, only self driven electric vehicles, please...

There will be an uptick in this kind of "terrorism" and the experts will designate cars as dangerous weapons, when driven by humans. They are unpredictable by nature.

There is no way to forsee, nor control, the actions of any one crazy individual behind a wheel.

We have seen what can, and will, happen if people are allowed to drive vehicles. 

Just as I suspect that the “pandemic” of a couple years ago (when the regular “winter flu” inexplicably took the year off) had, as one of its aims, the dealing of a financial blow to the oil and gas billionaires. 

Their puppet in Washington immediately shut down the Keystone pipeline...

The lock down had the effect of taking almost every car off the roads, world-wide. 

All kinds of money was funneled from the treasurie to the reimburse the pharma companies for all the “free” vaccines that the ignorant masses were scared, or threatened into putting in their bodies. But I'm digressing...

“Domestic terrorist attack” was, I guess, the best spin they could come up with on such short notice. This seemed to be the act of one deranged individual who didn’t seem to be concerned about ramming his vehicle into people of color, or even fellow Muslims; he seemed to be just focusing upon the highest body count.

There perhaps, isn’t much political capital in a story about a member of an oppressed (i.e. non white) group flying an ISIS flag, attacking random people…

Like Popeye, Americans will reach the point where that’s all we can stand and we can’t stands no more; then some kind of war will "reluctantly" be declared; please remit 118 billion dollars, Mr. and Mrs. taxpayer, as the first installment...

To the Biden’s immediate right was the governor of Louisiana, and his blond haired wife, who looked very much to be posing for the cameras, and who kept a kind of half smile frozen on her face the whole time, as if that was a "future first wife" expression that she has practiced in a mirror.

She present herself as "the pretty, charming and loyal wife to a governor," (who happened to be on national and worldwide TV. 

But I couldn’t help thinking it a bit “tone-deaf” to be smiling at a funeral...

It was a chance to be seen by a huge audience, while Joe pointed out from the podium that, like New Orleans, America itself is going to rebound from this. 

When can we go to war with Iran? We can't stands no more!

Those seem to be the 2 talking points that the corporate owned media were drilling down on: it was a terrorist attack; and how much more can we stands? 


I flipped through the channels to discover that it was on “all 3” channels. 

I kept reaching for a mouse; to back the video up a few seconds to see something again, like Gayle Benson, the billionaire who owns the city's two major sports teams, making her entrance. What a beautiful lady, still gorgeous at like 78 years old...

Then I thought about who the “target” audience was for this free, rabbit ear accessible television broadcast -with every advertisement being for some drug.

One for an eczema "cure" was aired. I think one of it’s possible side effects was “suicidal thoughts,” in some context. It’s like, if you are in such deep despair that you can’t even see any point, to even calling your doctor because everything has lost its meaning to you; be sure to call your doctor!..type of thing…

It is the crowd old enough to remember the first moon landing that is the target. 

I was shaken out of my sleep when I was 6 years old, at about 3:30 in the morning, on a July night, I believe it was, by my dad; and shuttled to the living room to watch what I thought were a couple scuba divers. I remember the moon landing.  I can’t Google that right now because my government phone has run out of data because the “Affordable Connectivity Plan (?) was cancelled.

Assurance Wireless blamed it on the U.S. Congress.

I was really hoping that, through ineptitude or corruption, the plan would continue to operate.

How much does it actually cost to give people unlimited data, rather than cutting them off at 4 gigabytes? They have to have a certain bit set to a one on their server, and not toggle it to zero once 4 gigabytes have been streamed to the account.

Unlimited data...

I would fall asleep watching something, and then 9 hours later wake up and it would have auto-played to a grainy black and white documentary on how they build nuclear submarines, or something.

Though, it would usually be pretty darned interesting.

The cynic in me wonders if the phones just became unnecessary as tools for “nudging” elections in one particular direction, as the probability of of a Trump victory loomed larger day by day.

The plan might have originally been to cheat and win the election, and then pull the plug on the unlimited data, to keep the population somewhat muzzled; as the program ended about a month before the elections. I know I was plumb out of data by then, and couldn’t have organized a Capitol riot even if I'd wanted to...

99% of probable voters had already fallen into one camp or the other. 

The nation had already been divided into two basic groups. There was probably a strong correlation between the amount of people who looked at political stuff on their phones, and the amount that actually got out and voted. 

With each group getting radically different “news” each day.

It was a “terrorist attack,” and It appeared to me that the governor’s wife was the “central casting” governor’s wife, sitting quietly by his side “in support” of the guy who was in the front pew right next to the president; unassuming; and just a sweet, charming lady about 20 years his junior, and with a pleasant half smile apparently as her natural expression.

It was hard not to wonder if she in fact couldn’t help smiling, from giddiness over being sandwiched between so much power. 

I was wondering things like that less than a minute into watching, and like, is that what attracted this pretty youngish woman to the governor; power? And then I noted that Biden’s wife was sitting to his right, putting Joe right on the aisle and physically as close to the front as one could be; he was at the front of the front pew. The same seat in the opposite aisle was vacant. I wondered if that was because anyone sitting there would be tied with Joe for the best possible seat in the house. 

Then, I saw Gayle Benson, perhaps the wealthiest person in Louisiana, slowly walking up the main aisle to apparently her spot in the church, where she took her place among a couple pews worth of what looked like professional athletes (probably not local folks who decided to wear their Saints and Pelicans shirts to the mass and were there early enough to find a seat 5 pews behind the president of the United States. 

I thought it ironic that the ushers would probably make me remove my hat if I went to that church, and would look askance at anyone showing up on a Sunday wearing a football or basketball shirt; but yet, here were a couple rows of people dressed such. I suppose it’s OK if you’re an actual player, and if the still gorgeous at the age of 78, billionaire owner of the team is there with you. Gayle’s the one who bought them their uniforms, after all… 

That seemed about right, the 5th row for professional sports, in the microcosm of New Orleans that the cathedral seemed to have become; with the one possible inaccuracy religious faith being the main event, with the bishop front and center. 

There were representatives from about 15 different “faiths” up on the altar. 

Then the black haired lady who sings at that cathedral sang; and it was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes and could almost believe that being in the view of millions of people world-wide and singing in the presence of the president (of the Saints and the Pelicans, Gayle Benson) and everyone else, mattered very little to that lady, whom I had seen a few times on Sunday mornings when I had turned the antenna TV on still too early for football. But she had never brought tears to my eyes. But, with the eyes of the world upon her, she was radiant with something that made the governor’s wife’s half smile appear even more pasted on. That went a long way to dispel my cynicism, at least on a certain level.

 I still had a morbid curiosity surrounding Biden’s ability to take the podium and not erase any doubt that his stepping out of power was premature.Was Joe going to get up there and mumble something unintelligible except for snippets, here and there that you could make out, praising “the brave troops who stormed these beaches” fifty years ago?