Story Unchanged
Thursday, I woke up on the sleeping bag, instead of the marble. I had about 11 bucks. It was to be the day of breaking the fast, after 11 days without solid food.
I rolled up the bag and went to hide it, by the railroad tracks. Then, I went to Serda's and got a cup of coffee. I was down to 9 bucks and change.
I then went to 15 Place. I was there early enough to get on the list to talk to Mr. McDonald. I went into the court to wait to be called. I was told that I couldn't have my cup of coffee with me in there. They have had problems with inmates sneaking liquor into the building by adding it to coffee. I gulped down the rest of the coffee, and then sat and read "The Prince And The Pauper."
By lunchtime, I hadn't been called. Mr. McDonald had told me, when I was signing up: "You're probably not going to get it [the membership card] unless your story has changed; but I'll talk to you anyways..."
I left.Suspicious Doings
I went to get a refill, and drank it in Serda's, while writing and reading. I then took my empty cup to fill it with water, so as to mix some vinegar and honey, as part of the natural vitamin regimen. My first stop was at the Riverside Renaissance Hotel. I walked in and began to look for a water fountain. I found the security guard before finding the water, and that worthy informed me that only "guests" were allowed in the Riverside Renaissance Hotel.
I left.
I then walked across the street to the park and got water, then, I took a shortcut, up the railroad tracks, to the spot where I have stuff hidden. There was a train passing through as I walked.
I mixed up my concoctions, took them, and then walked to The Mobile Bay Adventure Inn, to talk to Harold the manager about playing there. He gave me 5 bucks (to get "a hamburger") and told me that there wasn't anything going on that day. (I was back up to 13 something -aint life grand.)
I went to Save-A-Lot and bought a half gallon of vegetable juice.

I was walking towards the fire station, when 3 police cars pulled up, almost simultaneously. A burly black officer got out of the one closest to me, and asked me "Why did you run from us?"
"I didn't run from you; when was this?"
"You ran from us, and hid"
"No I didn't"
"Where did you go, after you left the Renaissance Hotel?"
To make a long story short, the security guard at the hotel had called the police, to report a guitar-carrying guy inside the hotel (and headed towards the elevators[uh oh!]) The police showed up and took his report, and then pursued me towards the park.
They apparently had to wait for the train to pass, while I was walking up the tracks, hidden by it. I had gone through the tunnel, and to the spot where I keep my cider and honey and molasses and cayenne pepper. I hid in the shade of the bush and took my potions.
The police went into the park and questioned all about the guitar man. They were told by the good crabbers, beer drinkers and fishermen, that I had just left and indicated the direction.
Operation Six String
A search of the immediate area, (to include shaking of the bushes, I was later told,) yielded not a guitar man, whereupon the officers concluded that they had been eluded.
They became concerned about the mystery guitar man, who had been heading "towards the elevators" in a swank hotel, and who then bolted like someone with something (a lot, probably) to hide, and who used a passing train as a subterfuge, like James Bond would, and who stealthily obstructed justice in this manner.
They must have been relieved when they spotted me, heading east on Washington street, carrying vegetable juice. They probably cancelled the helicopters.
They swarmed around me, and asked for ID.
I explained about the hotel and the water and the park and the hidden stuff in the bushes. They asked me the location of the bushes, and then concluded that it jived with the nature of my disappearing so suddenly, and in such a direction.
They lightened up and conversed in small talk, asking my why I was in Mobile, and why I don't go to New Orleans, to (reduce the ranks of the homeless in Mobile -er) fill my hat with money regularly...
They told me that I couldn't go to that hotel anymore. I will have to find another TV before football season starts.
A Complete Protein
After that, I decided to get a beer. I blamed the cops and the stress that they put upon me. I wanted to mix it with the vegetable juice and make one of my favorite beverages. I did.
One of the cops from "the take down" was at the store, when I bought the beer. I went to a hiding spot and drank a few "V8 and Beer's," while watching the cop who was at the store, drive around the area, trying to spot me.
I then started walking towards town and ran into an elderly black guy named Terry, who bought me another beer, which I mixed with V8.
We drank, and I played some music, which he seemed to enjoy. He then noticed that it was time for the feeding at 15 Place to take place. I decided to go with him.
We were almost late, when we arrived there, and found the volunteers proudly standing behind foldout tables laden with hot dogs, white rice, beans (fava?) and dessert of chocolate cake.
I broke my fast lusciously with a lot of beans and rice, and even two hot dogs (but not the buns)
I figured that beans would form a complete protein, once paired with beer.
I went to the bank spot, thus fortified, to play music. I got one more beer, after getting about 4 bucks in tips. It was not a good Thursday, money wise, but I was playing very well, and that isn't just the V8 talking....
Now it is Friday. My food card should arrive next week. Until then, I will play tonight and not really worry about anything. If I have to, I can always go two weeks without food; that is a comforting thought, actually.
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