Friday, January 14, 2011


Daniel has gone fishing and is unavailable at this time...

Leaving the library, yesterday, I walked through the cold to the Save-A-Lot, where I bought a half gallon of V8 Splash, and a Monster energy drink for to wake up in the morning with.
I then bent my steps towards The Thai Island, where I knew there to be a songwriter's open mic night, where the most interesting original song of the night earns the performer of it a 25 dollar gift certificate.
Walking by, I saw the backs of Sky Johansen and her boyfriend in the front window. Sky was playing a cello, her boyfriend, a guitar. I listened for a minute, and then went on, thinking of making a few bucks on the street, and absent of any ideas for songs, and realising that I really don't have very many complete songs, yet a lot of them "in the oven."
My next song is going to be about all the people who have invited me to their churches, promising everything from video games and coffee, to showers and clean clothing, and some, just the Word of God; no frills.
"So Many Churches And Only One Sunday," is the working title.
The second ingredient to The Ultimate Success Formula: Belief.
Without belief, we will not be passionate about achieving our desired outcomes.

"Wheather you believe that you can do something, or believe that you can't; you are right."

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