Friday, February 25, 2011

Polka Dot Society

Yesterday's parade of the "polka dot" people, (or something,) was not very productive.
At one point, Jimmy Lee (Underhill) and the artist formerly known as the girl in the fishnet stockings, walked by. They were probably on their way to Island Thyme for the open mic event.
I chose to stay on my spot, where I got 4 more dollars. Not a productive evening, moneywise; but the artist mentioned above, who I will abreviate to Miss Underhill, spoke to me when I was walking towards my spot. She asked me if I was going to play on the street (as opposed to playing at Island Thyme, I guess.) I couldn't figure out if she was hoping that I would play at Island Thyme, or if she was hoping that I wouldn't.
Probably the former, as, she hasn't deigned to speak to me much, in the past, and could have just walked by and ignored me.
Becca is trying to get a gig at Serda's and has asked me to appear at some point in the proceedings and do some songs. This gives me incentive to pull some more music out of the sea, polish it up and get it ready. ("polish" as in shine, not as in turn them into polkas)

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