Friday, March 18, 2011

August, 2006. The last time I had a haircut.
Last night, I wound up at Island Thyme for the open mic.
When I got there, none other than the guy with the guitar and the girl with the saw were playing.
Elizabeth Elliot and Skye Johansen and her boyfriend were there.
It was a pretty good time.
The guy without the girl with the saw
I have changed my opinion of the guy and the girl with the saw. I think that the guy's name is Sampson.
Their music is very charming, especially as the girl sings along and plays her saw. She harmonises just about every syllable, and leaves no doubt that they have their songs down pat. It's hard not to like their stuff. I wish I had a girl with a saw, now.
I appeared as Green Headed Man, and ran through some of my stuff, despite tuning problems. I did a pretty decent version of Hubert's Trip.
I went around the side of the building and removed my green mask, then returned and asked if I had missed Green Headed Man.
"He just left a minute ago, he went that way," someone said, pointing to the side of the building.

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