Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Secret Project Underway...

Monday I got off the bus in downtown Mobile at 7:45 am.
That was right in the middle of hard boiled egg season, and so, I went to that function, at the Presbyterian Church.
I then focused upon getting a lock for the bike. I had made over 80 bucks in two afternoons, and it suddenly seemed silly to jeoperdise the full value of the bike rather than spend a few bucks to protect it.
I began to ride around, looking for hardware stores. This took me all the way out Airport Road, by where the music store is.
While I rode, I worked a little on a song about getting a bike lock. It will be in the style of Bob Dylan, during his "born again" phase of career.
I'm getting a bike lock; not because I have a general distrust of others
I'm getting a bike lock because I don't want to tempt my brother....

I got a lock and chain for the bike, then guitar strings and a capo, along with a couple of picks.
Sung in the style of "Blood On The Tracks."

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