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Search For Laptop Postponed (section E) |
This is just a sideline to the main story, which I don't have yet. But, you know, the world is on the brink of destruction and the president utters a phrase that some crazy guy actually started, to describe something in his life, while sitting at a picnic table, eating a baloney sandwich.
I slept at the Christ Church spot. I ate oatmeal profusely and then decided against washing a set of clothing to be hung in front of the vent which blows hot air all night. I lacked the proper soap. The proper soap is the cheap stuff, and not the body wash, which is what I am down to, until I pick up some cheap soap. (note to self: get some cheap soap)
The Man With The Hat
I saw none other than The Man With The Hat, at the Save-A-Lot this very morning. He sat, did the man with the hat, and waited while his wife wandered the aisles, waited in an SUV, did he.
And she grabbed mostly produce and for it she spent, then The Man With The Hat and herself, off they went. In the SUV, you see. He and she in the SUV, I don't see how it started. But he and she, just as quick as can be. They very soon departed.
The mission of today is to solve “The Problem Of The Breakage Of The Cheap Am/Fm Radio.”
To have a radio would be good, so good in fact I could see me spending freely on a replacement; for the one which has gone through so much defacement.
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Digital Audio, No Frills |
Danger, Will Robinson!
It is a foregone conclusion that it will come to pass that a replacement ID card will be obtained from the agents of the government, here, as soon as possible. It makes very good sense to have a "valid state issued ID" when, for example, traveling 700 miles to a tornado ravaged region, to help pick up the mess that the tornado made. It is just too bad I couldn’t have one with a better credit rating attached to it.
It dawned upon me just last night, that I am probably going to be in increased danger of being killed by a tornado myself, by going to Joplin, Missouri to help pick up debris left behind a huge tornado which recently happened through.
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To Much To Worry About |
By a two-thirds majority of voices in my head, the proposal to buy a laptop computer at this time has been voted down. There existed an opinion that the laptop would, and these are not in any particular order, the laptop would give thieves a target, it would cause me to wake up in the middle of some nights and have a start if I should not see the thing right away, even though it would be tied to my body, somehow and I would probably feel it. Should I stay here in downtown Mobile, I would soon be fending off "Where your computer at??" questions. Questions which it would be useless to ask, "Why do you want to know?" to, expecting a straight answer.
When street people ask me where my guitar is, on those occasions that I have it stored somewhere, I can't help but think I see in their eyes the look they would have if they were afraid that it had been stolen by someone other then they, and that an opportunity had gone by the boards. They usually show signs of relief after I tell them that the guitar is safely stored somewhere, and that I still "have" it.
A laptop could easily turn into an all time consuming obsession of mine, which would have me sitting in the park, wearing the same sweatsuit that I have had on for the past 5 days, trying to beat my computer at chess, and taking breaks only to save the game on the hard drive and then go take a leak. Or I see myself working all day, on some computer program, in the same sweatsuit.
Appetite For Terrabytes
Using the thing as a recording studio, I know from past experience is going to quickly lead to a situation where I am dying to get that expensive microphone, in fact two of them because stereo is awesome, and I really want to upgrade the sound card in the thing and go totally "hi def" in my recordings of me playing a cheap guitar on the sidewalk...
Finding and loading the free Linux audio software, to turn my laptop into a recording studio will be an all-consuming obsession, I probably wouldn't eat untill it was up and running. This, after finding and installing the free Linux operating system. Then, there will be UNIX manuals and hours and hours worth of messing around, trying to master the Linux kernel, and dabbling with Perl and Python and Ruby. (Those are computer languages, not strippers.) Lots of fun, but I fear that I might neglect other (offline) areas of life, at least for a few months until the novelty wore off.
If my journey to Joplin, Missouri involves any hitchhiking, I also don't want to have to fake a "I have nothing of value which you should kill me to steal" facade, when meeting new people.
I'm sure glad you stopped and picked me up, sir. It looks like it might be fixin' to rain, and I was afraid my expensive computer was going to get wet; you're a life-saver.
I would have to have the thing in a duffell bag and hide it in a pizza box. "-Got some pizza left over from last night, you want some?" would be a good play, to deflect suspicion that you might be carrying a laptop, using that setup.
The most persuasive argument was probably this. If I have the means to record my own music and feed it to the web, it will not be as inspiring to me, if history is any indicator, to do my best music, as it would be if, as in my present circumstances, I have to perform well enough to attract the attention of someone with the digital toys necessary to feed me to the web. I am NOT going to go back and proofread that last sentence.
In closing and to make a long story short (if that is possible at this point, as David Letterman would say)
Having the studio and tinkering with it all the time, rather than street performing, would make Daniel a dull boy.
Disclaimer: Unless, someone just plain gives me a laptop, one that they have outgrown, or something but that can still handle audio stuff at a basic level.
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