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There is a fountain just like this in Mobile |
And His voice sounded like the rushing of many waters, and He said: "Leave! Get out of Mobile! Can't you take a hint?!?"
Last Of Stuff Taken
It is Monday.
Saturday, I went to the Christ Church Spot to find that the last of my stuff, which was a sleeping bag and another bag full of non perishable food items, was taken from the spot in the bushes where they had been hidden successfully, off and on, for a year.
This makes my decision to leave Mobile, pretty much academic.
Not so much to tote.
It is the people that, largely make a place "good" or "bad" to live in. However, it is also the geography that makes varying degrees of difference.
For example, the people of New Orleans may be very nice and have good hearts, but, they demonstrate a basic level of stupidity, in choosing to inhabit a patch of land which is under sea level and is "one hurricane away" from being washed off of the face of the earth.
The people of Mobile labor under the same disillusionment, thinking that their "heaven on earth" might be created out of this hot and muggy river delta.
I have encountered some nice people but, for the most part, there is an almost evil oppression hanging over the residents. The economy is a factor in that. There are also swarms of the homeless and/or disabled, who seem to have come here seeking to be taken care of by the government, and by the residents who have jobs and whom they beg incessantly. Plus, there are some of the weirdest freaks that I have ever seen, like Thomas Antione, whom a lot of people call "The Pink Man," because of the color of his skin, which he sports atop his shaved head. He is a "skinhead," "neo-Nazi" and claims that his father was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy (Ok, he popped up from a sewer grate and fired the fatal shot. I've seen a picture of one of the infamous "four hobos" and one is the spitting image of Thomas, by the way). He walks around carrying nothing but what is in his pockets. He often grins for no apparent reason, as if listening to some inner comedian. There are at least three of his ilk, who skulk around the downtown streets of Mobile. Take your pick, they're all equally wacko; I just don't have the space here to describe them all.
Waiting on Wilma
I once again postponed my trip after I talked to one of the librarians here named Wilma. She told me to meet her here on Saturday, and she would give me some clothing and hygiene stuff. She also asked me what kind of cigarettes I smoked, giving me further incentive to wait a couple more days before leaving.
She wasn't here.
I had previously postponed the trip while waiting upon my ID card to be sent through the mail. During those two weeks, I saw what money I had evaporate, (along with some possessions, that I had stashed.) The ID never arrived. I wasted 20 bucks, two weeks, and now will be thrown in jail by the New Orleans police on anything they can think of, just so they can get my prints and "ID" me, as soon as I tell them that I have none.
Mobile seems to have a consciousness which is bent upon my destruction. Could it be, Oh, I don't know....Satan??
I had never used this picture from '06, because I had barbecue sauce all over my arm. Solution: Cut off my arm!! |
Sunday, I walked to the Central Presbyterian Church. I was in time for the free breakfast, even though I didn't plan upon eating.
I was appalled to see a bunch of the regular crew of free meal eaters there; the one's that are usually at 15 Place, being fed. Very few of them would be staying for the church service.
Some churches feed the meal after their church service, and some even require attendance at the service in order to eat. The Presbyterian does it the opposite way, which is smart. Why have a bunch of antsy non-believers disrupting the dynamic of the service, then racing off toward the food, before the "amens" have even quit reverberating.
I decided to approach the line of tables which were set up and off of which the servers were spooning out something that looked like quiche or omelet, along with grits and a biscuit. They also had cantaloupe, which is what I had my sights on as I neared the tables.
The regular crew of "freegans," were in their usual form and, seeing me approach the tables, jumped out of their chairs and rushed in front of me. They seemed to fear that they would not be able to get "seconds" if the food ran out through me getting "firsts." Yes, they wanted a second plate and didn't care if someone else didn't get a first.
Canes, Because They Aren't Able
This was remarkable for the fact that the majority of them were rushing to jump in front of me using canes and other walking sticks for assistance. You see, "assistance" comes in forms other than free omelets and grits from churches. The majority of them are getting Social Security benefits for being "disabled," with the cane being the implement of choice in perpetrating their frauds. If their case workers could only see how nimble they are when racing to the front of the food line, they might re-evaluate their conditions, and cut their monthly checks out of the state's budget.
Housing, disability checks, free meals, narcotics (prescribed for phantom, undetectable pain), which can be sold on the street for additional income, and enough of the population who have jobs and whom they can beg; add it all up and Mobile is a pretty good place to trade your dignity for a free ride through life. It's enough to make the working man (like myself) disgusted. I would open up a walking stick store, to capitalize upon them but I fear that they would circumvent my business by contriving a way to get free walking sticks off of the government.
I'm Sure Dante would concur that these people are risking a purgatory spent being chased throughout eternity by a giant walking stick insect! |
I go to New Orleans, not expecting to find people who could be deemed "the salt of the earth," as those folk would have been dissolved and washed away. I rather might expect to meet "the brackish of the earth."
I am hoping not to be inconvenienced or become victimised by their stupidity, and that the tourists who are merely passing through will be generous in supporting my music.Diversification Planned
I have also had a revelation in which I realised that I can work on pencil sketches that I can display around me when I am playing and which I can sell for extra income.
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