Daniel was thinking of leaving New Orleans on the train, but, after Friday night, during which he scored his first 5 dollar tip (from a young lady and her mother, the former of which saw me play at Fat Tuesday's in Mobile and requested "Crazy About A Crazy Girl," which they recorded on their phone, and which I know by the positioning of the phone and the way the guitar and voice mix, probably didn't come out well, which was good, for Daniel felt that he "butchered" the song.)
Train Ride Tonight
Tonight, I return to the relative safety of Mobile. I will ride the train and will take the bus out to the spot to hopefully catch it.
I had another very decent night.
New Orleans is like a sleeping giant. This weekend he shrugged his shoulders and money fell upon us.
I still didn't do anywhere near as well as the group of gypsies, who played washbourds and banjos and guitars and spoons and who sang raucous songs. The two young men were apparently dashingly handsome, as middle aged women sat and drank and stared and other women looked disgusted, but yet stayed and watched for a long time.
They made 350 bucks, which they had to divide 6 ways, plus some for the dog...so it goes
Out of time. Next stop: Mobile
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