Monday, October 24, 2011

Level Zero

Things Have Been A Blur, Lately

Lost Opportunity
Last night, the Saints had a home game at The Superdome.
I thought that it was an afternoon game, and that I would have been too late to set up there and play for the masses exiting the stadium, by the time I had run my errands.
It turned out that it was a night game, and I would have had time to play and probably would have made laundry and string money, had I done so. Now I must choose between new strings or clean laundry. I'll probably be out there sounding great, but with rice and bean stains on my clothes...
I watched a guy across from the stadium, playing blues and making about 25 bucks, in just the half hour that I listened. He had a little gas generator and an amplifier, microphone and a display of his CD's which were for sale for $15 each...
He is an example of a "level 3" street musician. Level one is, no amp and no mic and no display case...

Level "5" would be having a gig in a club,
where you have a tip jar, just like the
street musicians, but, where you have the
advantages of the sound system, and a
captive audience, which you can repeatedly
remind that you are "accepting tips.."

I am at that level. I could have expected to have made 25 or 30 bucks, had I been more familiar with the Saints schedule and been set up by about 3 p.m., instead of being in front of a TV, watching another game.
I have only 2 minutes left on this computer.
I suppose I will go find a place to sit and play on this Monday afternoon, and just hope for the best.
I might play until I either break a string, or the music store is ready to close, and then go buy strings...

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