People, I am hell bent upon washing my clothes.
When you are on a freight train, barrelling down the tracks, and you have to take a leak; you don't necessarily perform the gymnastics involved in getting yourself to a spot where your urine won't blow back in your direction, due to the whirling eddys of air current, because these are also the "if the train hits an out of line rail, (which is rare, I will admit; but it happens...) you will be tossed off" spots...and if you don't die, you might wish you had.
I have spent a lot of time on a memoir, which keeps annoying me by stretching back, further and further in time...with incidents needing to have "light" shed upon them, to the point now, that
I fear that I will soon have to be mentioning my obsession with Charlie's Angels, (I would be remiss to slight that aspect of my development) -as that was as good an essence of my fifteenth year as one is likely to come up with. There, I admitted it (other "Angelheads" come forward); the way, Kate Jackson really "did" it for me.
One might ask: "Why not Farrah Fawcett?????" And, I might reply that "I just didn't feel worthy of her; which sucked,sure, but, you kind of evaluate yourself in terms of attractiveness and even though you might conclude, after looking in a mirror, that yours is a "beauty" that is present, just not instantly recognizable, (not even to yourself, actually...) you just can't make the Farrah fantasy work.
You're fantasizing Farrah as your partner, and your experience is ruined time after time by the irrepressible, unstoppable thought of her looking at you and saying "You realise that I'm just teasing you; don't you? I mean, for real...I was just messing with you. You don't think that I would...LOL...LOL again...yeah, and again,"
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Charlie's Angels have always been the most reliable indicator of a young man's self esteem. They had a clearly delineated division between the girls. |
Jacylyne Smith (sp?) was the consensus runner-up to Farrah, (you can't compete with the protruding nipples featured in her best selling poster) Fawcett, and if you place any credence in the opinions of 13 year old boys, opinions that come right from the source (hormones), then you would agree with the order that we had.
There were some who would shock us by revealing that they indeed though Jacylyn Smith (sp?) to be THE finest, hottest, most wifeofmykids-able Angel, but these tended to be the the outcasts; the obese, the lotus eaters, the one's who have so "given up on Farrah" in life itself, and at such a young age, that you pity them, because their lives are no longer truly worth living.
Myself, I liked Kate Jackson the most. I thought that Farrahs red bathing suit would get "old," but Kate's purring voice (one purr and I was very interested; indeed) would not ever get old. I wanted to hear more.
I don't believe that I was selling myself short. I don't think that I was settling.
She was the "smart" Angel, and looked the cutest when she had a pensive, inquisitive expression on her face, like she was thinking very hard...
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