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Stoker, on Royal Street, making about 4 times as much as I, on any given night.... |
was laying upon the ground where Howard and I, and formerly Sue, sleep.
All of our stuff was still hanging in the branches of the trees, out of sight of those passing at a distance, but probably not to those laborers, whose job it is to spread mulch on city owned property. This is at least a good portent to use being able to stay there a little while longer.
Heavy Things of Value
I have a bag of "items that have monetary value, but are heavy," wedged between two saplings about 7 feet off the ground.
One such item is a really nice flashlight, made by Coleman, which I found laying in the grass in the exact spot where Howard and I were waiting for a train to hop out of Mobile, Alabama. It flashes a bright white, red or blue. It just may be a railroad worker related tool, used by switchmen; or the different colored lights may be intended to be used by lost hikers, in lieau of a flaregun. Either way, it looks like it would be about 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. It is solid and sturdy and hence, weighs about 2 pounds. It was left it in that bag, along with a large bottle of sesame oil, which cost me 10 bucks and weighs about 2 pounds, and other heavy things of value.
Stoker's House
As I was walking about a week ago, towards a certain cell phone store, which was offering free phones to come with 250 free minutes, I passed by Stoker, who was working on his motorcycle in front of a house, which seemed to be two storied and was painted black with white trim.
The house was nesteled between two other houses, each of which were boarded up at the windows and doors, but it was on a busy street, and there was a little convenience store not far away, so, it didn't feel too "abandoned."
Stoker invited me to crash there, if I "needed" a place to.
I am investigating the distance of this house from my playing spot on Decatur Street. It is prohibitively far from the library where I am now, and from our "sign" sleeping spot. I would never want to walk that distance twice daily.
However, the sign sleeping spot is a good 15 minute walk from my playing spot on Decatur, itself.
I am going to see what the distance from the playing spot to the house is, and then consider at least stashing some of my stuff there, and getting it out of the trees. We can discuss me camping in the back yard later.
"I'm not going to have any trouble from your roommate, am I? " |
He is the guy whom Helen (the girl with the shaved head who plays the mandolin) referred to as her "roommate" and claimed to have beaten up, citing his being "a mysogenist racist bitch" as a motive for taking that action.
Judge Awaits Me
I actually missed my courtdate yesterday afternoon at 3 p.m., after running into some people, the clean guy, for example, and losing track of time up to the point where I decided not to try to rush up to the courthouse, arriving right before their closing time, and being told the exact same thing as I was the first time I was late: "Come back tomorrow morning, but be careful, you'll have an attachment on you, until then."
That is what I was sure that I would get in exchange for the bus fare and the sweat that I broke, dashing to get there before they stopped meting out justice for the day.
So, this morning, I went up there.
The clerk told me the above, word for word, and now I kill the time before 3 p.m. by updating this blog.
- Sue Sightings Continue
- Jasmine Fixed
- Blessings in addition to the above two, continue...
- Second Charge Dismissed
She acted, it seemed to me on that night on Bourbon Street, as if we had stumbled into an extremely rare and fortuitous windfall, the likes of which might only befall, especially me, "once in a blue moon.
I think now she realises that it is a more common occurance to run into wealthy, imbibing folks, who wind up bestowing gifts of money, food, drink and other things upon the lowly street musician, than she might have previously thought. She didn't frequent Bourbon Street, as far as I know.
I helped propagate this belief by telling her the little white lie of "I ran into those same Russians the next night, too, I'll have you know."
While it is true that I had, it was at the Unique Store and they were at the counter, protesting over the cost of what looked like 4 large bags of potato chip type snacks. I don't think they even noticed me.
I think the reason that I said it was to inflame Sue with torturing imaginings of yet another "we must have made about a hundred bucks off them," experience, with the "we" changed to "I." If she indeed had materialistic motives, that information must have driven her crazy. I also intended to imply that I could run into imbibing Russians and make 50 bucks, along with good wine, good tobacco and good champagne, playing a Lennon song 5 times, without her assistance (thank you very much), and could even hold my own money while doing it.
"I had no qualms about making concessions in the distribution of the 76 bucks or so, which was the actual substance of the 'at least a hundred bucks,' which I had made that night."I realise that, in perceiving us to be partners of some kind, some people are prone to double the amount that they throw to "us," with the tacit understanding that we will wind up splitting it, ie. some of the money could be argued to have been earmarked for Sue.
However, this is not always the case, and the Russians were pretty much "all about" playing and listening to the guitar upon that particular "once in a blue moon" occasion.
There are detrements to having a second person with the guy playing guitar, not the least of which is that it shatters the "poor, lonely trubador with only his art to give him solace," mystique, along with a few other mystiques. The drunken "let's go throw him some money and tease and flirt, and get him to sing love songs to us" college girls" account is non active in that scenario, also.
However the argument should revolve around the fact that I care about Sue enough and would naturally bless her with some of the money, hopefully without having to even think about it, not around any sense of entitlement that she might harbour.
Courtroom 100
I showed up a day late at the courthouse, where the public defender told me that the second ticket, which I had gotten for "obstructing" a public passageway, has been dismissed.
I read a bit of "All Woman And Springtime," a novel by Brandon W. Jones, which is an "advanced reading" copy that I got from someone on Royal Street, which will not even be released until May 1st, 2012. So far; excellent!
Does this make you free to leave for California then?
ReplyDeleteI bought a cornet, it's a nice horn, a Conn 34A.
I rode the motorcycle to go get it and decided that bike is a huge PITA and the best thing I can do is sell it and get a car.
I had a Kawasaki KH 500 (the fastest production bike off the line, made in 1976) and when I first got it, it was a PITA; it bogged down when given gas; but luckily, I had the hundred and something to pay the fine mechanics at Sky Cycle in Lunenburg Mass, and I started loving the machine as soon as I left their parking lot, after they had rightly assured me "It should be alright now, they had to blah blah blah the gizmo and correct the doo hickey..."