Monday, June 25, 2012


  • "On Again" With Sue
  • Municipal Court
Sunday Morning, I woke up with 9 bucks and change on me.
I went to the Westin Hotel, where I connected to their wireless, and blogged. I then headed down Decatur Street, but walked past the spot where I play, not ready to sit down and busk at that point. 
I was making a trip to Sidneys when I saw Sue sitting on the same steps where she had been the previous night, which had ended in turmoil.
It was around the same time, and I took that as a sign that she wanted me to find her.
We are back "on" again, after we sat there, and I drank a couple brews and then a group of tourists came by who were apparently tired of carrying the Styrofoam containers (doggie bags) of food out of one of the fine and famous eateries in the quarter, and placed them atop a nearby trash receptacle.
All of us, including Kooky, stuffed our faces with excellent food in which the only item that I could positively identify was veal, prepared New Orleans style, I imagine.
I basically gave up on busking and drank myself down to under a dollar.
Sue and I walked back to the sleeping spot and crashed.
Early this (Monday) morning, she was shaking me awake saying "Remember, you wanted to get up early and go to The Rebuild Center!"
Yes, I did.
I wanted to put my laundry in at 7:30, and then use their free phone to call the Clerk of Courts, to see if I had any outstanding warrants, to help me decide if I was even going to go to court over the "disturbing the peace" citation that I had gotten from the horse cops.
They had only that matter "pending" and nothing from the past.
Then, Sue and I went to the office of Attorney Mary Howell, who was not
in, but whose secretary told me to show up and plead not guilty, then return with the paperwork.
Which I did.
Had I plead guilty, I would have been given a $250 fine and 45 days to pay it.
The City Attorney gave a dismissive shrug of his shoulder as he told me the amount of the fine, as if to imply "that's all, just 250 and you're on your way, what a deal.." and then I saw a look in his eye which seemed to say '...of course, to a lowlife street person like yourself, who has never seen 250 bucks in his life..."
I plead not guilty, and was given 3 days to come up with the 15 dollar fee for "court costs."
I am to return on Thursday the 28th at 3 p.m. with the 15 dollars in my hand or else....I don't know, I didn't ask.
Attorney Howell was out of the office when I returned to give her the paperwork, so I will have to find out tomorrow from her; what will happen to me if I can't busk up 15 bucks in three days.
It would have to seem like I am in the wrong business if I can't, yet, the "business" is governed by invisible forces and subject to the whims of the Spirits of Music and I have a foreboding that, on Thursday, I will be walking to the courthouse to save the $1.25 bus fare, so that I will have the whole 15 bucks...
But, there would also be the option of using that money to leave town.
That is about all there is to report about this day, Monday, June 25th, 2012...
I am off to try to download the "Freeverb" program, which is free software, but doesn't come bundled with the Ubuntu Linux system that I am running because of copy-writing, or similar issues.
It adds the functionality of reverb to the Audacity sound processor, which would be nice to have, as, currently I use only the "delay" function to try to create ambiance and this has the drawback that the echoes conflict with the rhythm of the track, unless they are timed to occur exactly on the beat, which isn't an optimal setting, either.
Laptop Screen Cracked
Try as I did to carry this laptop around in my backpack without damaging it; I now have a hairline fracture which runs the length of the screen, diagonally, and there is a black spot about the size of a silver dollar along its axis in the upper right area.
It should only be a nuisance and not hinder my productivity; but I am hoping that laptop screens can be replaced with a screwdriver and a new screen...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the price of living in NOLA is the occasional jail-cation. It's probably a nice little drying-out period for you. Go (to jail) or go (on the bus etc to TX) it's up to you.

    But stop wasting time trying to be a music studio! Your recordings (with the exception for some reason of Dancing Days) suck! Instead, work on a good *street* sound and let the Kool Kids, the ones with $1000 iphone 6's and terebyte connect speeds, make ya famous. Set up some way for them so send you videos they record, have a sign saying you appreciate the attention and would *really* appreciate some of the video clips be sent to you.

    The Internet is splitting in two. The slow, creaky, unreliable, "futz-net" for types like us, and the new, shiny, immersive, 'net for the Kool Kids. So make use of this. The Kool Kids are too busy working their asses off in a cubicle somewhere to do real things with real strings and wood. That's why they want to film good buskers. They are excellent voyeurs of the things they don't get to do. It worked for Homeless Mustard and it can work for you. Eventually me, too, once I have Cockles And Mussels mastered, at least.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...