Saturday, July 14, 2012

It is 9:22 p.m.
I have one goal in life; it is to beat Gabriel to the playing spot across the street from the hot dog cart guy, who seems to like his music more than he does mine.
I am at Shermans.
I had the unfortunate experience of having my laptops power converter die on me this morning.
I stepped out for a cigarette, and when I came back in, the laptop had shut down and the message was on the screen that my battery was critically low and that the thing was going to shut down.
I managed to fix it.
Sue Gives Me A Laptop
One of the things that Sue did when I was in New Orleans was to give me a Samsung laptop computer, which had been given to her and which she was sick of carrying around along with her pigeons and her cat.
I used the power converter from the Samsung and spliced the adaptor from my Acer onto it and fixed the problem; or you aren't reading this and I only hallucinated that I fixed the problem.
Now, I have a pretty good idea that the Samsung was not working only because of the same problem of a malfunctioning power supply.
Last night, I fell asleep in the courtyard of St. James church and missed out on busking entirely.
I hadn't slept very well in New Orleans, as Sue woke me up at 6 a.m. when I had only about 5 hours of sleep on that last morning there.
I caught up on sleep, but woke up at about 1:30 a.m. and never really recovered.
Of course Gabriel was on "my" spot playing by the time I got there.
I am determined to get there first tonight, but, the longer I work on this post, the more the chances diminish.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Gabriel's music sucks, and who cares what the hot dog guy thinks? Unless you want to start screaming about being a rat in a cage, you're not going to make him happy.

    I've got the stuff to put my electric violin "on the road" and even an amp and cable, but I'm too tired. Tomorrow's the big day.


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