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Clocked In Early... |
There was a mist in the air, and I wondered how long before the next rainfall and thought about my 504 piece jigsaw puzzle on the cardboard next to me.
After gulping down some red Mountain Hollar, rolling up my sleeping bag and packing it in the backpack, and smoking the last of my cigarettes; I went to the Big Clock Spot. The temperature was 51 degrees, Fahrenheit.
The big clock read 6:50 a.m., making this the earliest that I have ever gotten to the spot.
The streets were pretty empty.
And A Muffin
I decided to sit and work on "She's Leaving Home," by The Beatles and try to learn it before any people ambled past.
I found most of the chords, but got bogged down a little with the arrangement.
I Know You Hear Me, Sue! |
I didn't want to just play the chord changes, but wanted to be able to do a "chord melody" thing with it.
After about 20 minutes of fussing with that song, some people were starting to walk about.
I switched to my more familiar morning stuff. I made about 8 dollars, a cup of coffee, and a muffin in about one hour.
The bank employees showed up at around 8 a.m., but just said "Good Morning" as they went inside.
Thus, I am still in Mobile and am in position to go to the Thanksgiving meal for the homeless, to be sponsored by Fortis College of Cosmotology.
I think it starts soon.
Then, there must be done a couple of things in preparation for the trip to New Orleans, where a brief pit-stop will be made, at least to do laundry and clean up at The Rebuild Center, if not a lot of busking.
I would really like to order a power adapter for the Samsung and have it sent to the Rebuild Center, as I have a mailbox there
I have been told that items purchased using E-Bay and its ilk, arrive within 3 or 4 days.
I Am Building A Robot
Now, off with me to work on a Perl script which will enlarge the first three words of every paragraph and then select a random color ror each paragraph, dissimilar to the color of the paragraphs next to them; so that I can just type my blog entries in plain text and then feed them to my script and save myself a bunch of formatting.
I eventually want the script to be able to bold-face certain nouns that I use over and over, such as "Howard," or "Dauphin Street."
I am in "Day 6" of "Learning Perl Programming in 21 Days," and I am on the cusp of being able to write such a script.
It will read my text files into one large array, and then insert the appropriate HTML, verbatum, so that when I feed it into the Blogger editor it will be rendered in the window, without me having to spend an additional 10 or 15 minutes highlighting and altering text
I think you will probably end up in NOLA, and stay. There's nothing wrong with that, with enough work you may get discovered there. Let the people with video cams etc come to *you*.