Monday, December 23, 2013

All Day Bus Pass

I'm sitting on about 80 bucks.
Property Available
A guy named Jake, who used to sit on the corner of Orleans and Royal streets and who, in fact, kind of owned that spot; as I have never seen anybody else busking there; has died.
He died about 3 weeks ago now.
I noticed his absence immediately.
He would sit there every night from about 7:30 until about 10:00 p.m.
He would have his guitar next to him, but wouldn't be playing it.
He would have his harmonica and neck harness ready, but wouldn't be playing them.
He would figure that, if someone was in the mood to hear him play something; they would ask him to.
"Are you going to play something, or are you just babysitting someone's guitar??"
"What do you want to hear?"
"Do you know any blues?"
"Are you gonna tip me?"
"Here's 5 bucks to get you started..."
Jake always had a pint of whiskey within sight.
I asked him once if he would mind me playing on his spot, should I arrive at it and find him to be absent.
He told me that I would have to get the permission of the lady who runs the store in front of which he is in front of.
I may be able to do that; but will seriously have to compare the benefits between it and Lilly's step.
And Now....
I need to get an all day bus pass
then go to get a minor repair done on my guitar
then go and buy another tiposaurus
then a sharpie
then talk to a hair cutter about my hopelessly dreadlocked hair which might have to be cut off
then, to Radio Shack to see if my micro sd card reader is fried; and perhaps buy a replacement; so that I can take pics with my phone then put them on this blog....
then, maybe to look for headphones that fit my Android phone, thinking that I might be able to move my mp3 files off the mp3 player (with the battery which doesn't charge anymore) onto it...
then, maybe to get some new shoe laces...
and then, that will be enough running around for one day
I saw Karrie this morning, at The Rebuild Center.
She seems to be warming up to me.

1 comment:

  1. Aha the elder skeezer passes down (by dying) his exalted spot to the younger skeezer (you) and life proceeds on an endless skeeze .... be sure to always have the holy pint of whiskey within reach....

    All-day bus passes can be pretty cool though. For $6 I can ride the VTA system all day and get a lot of errands knocked off, much more cheaply than just the gas for a car.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...