Saturday, March 28, 2015


Hi, I haven't slept; and am ready to go back out and play.


  1. According to reddit they just did a sweep of nuisances out of the quarter, crusties and skeezers and stuff, hope they didn't get you.

  2. Maybe a little bird told me to stay in 3 out of the past 5 nights; but, every cop in the quarter has seen me already; and I am on the "contributor to the over all tourist environment" list and not the "danger of the tourists vacationing elsewhere next year because of a bad experience with a szeezer" list

  3. Santa Cruz is a sort of microcosm of the quarter in that if you are a really bad so called busker they will move you on or even arrest you if you give them any lip at all, whereas if you are a benefit to the overall scene then you can get away with a lot.

    Santa Cruz has its crust punks and its always a pleasure to see the cops hassle them. I was always a clean cut act so I had no worries but my impression is that you're in that grey area between benefit and pest so that little bird probably gave you good advice.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...