Costello Tonight -have made my tip jar hang from guitar neck using heavy wool boot lace.
I have to get there;
Below is an answer to a comment and a post all in one...
This "crap" actually came out in 1996, and I believe that Brian was just starting to walk again after having had some chemical abuse or substance dependency issues; and the Wiki page say's that, due to the "failure" of the disc in question; Bri was unable to land a recording deal for his next album to never come out.
From listening to their out-takes from the studio ("Ok, take 38; one-two-three-four...") I can guess that the harmonies on the original versions (@alex which were unique and the result of a lot of skill being utilized) had been worked on intensely, right down "why don't you swell more under the: '...in me tonight' part?"
And that kind of brings up my complaint the Beach Boys should have budged a bit in the direction of the guest singer and the band that he brought with him, and at least altered the already intensely worked on, by 30 years younger than them, men to have made them bend or twang; they should have did them in a "country style" and that way the result wouldn't be like, you walk into a honky tonk and there is a good country singer, crooning away on stage, playing an acoustic guitar, which is cool, but, they left the jukebox on and you can still hear that excellent Beach Boys song in the background..type of thing
So, the Beach Boys were making music before they were ready to get back into it, you mean.
ReplyDeleteThey were genius when they first came out. It's a hard standard to live up to, but for me, I'll listen to their original stuff and not any derivative crap they and some B-rated has-beens or never-beens put out.
Yeah this counts for Bob Dylan motorcycle accident and all that, although in his case it's hard to tell; it's all crap lol.