Friday, January 27, 2017

Americus Domesticus

  • 49 Degrees
  • 2 Dollar Thursday
  • Out Friday Night For Fun And Cat Food

Last night there were only 2 dollars and change to be made, playing from 11:30 PM until about 12:30 AM at the Lilly Pad.

When I left, there were tourists walking past at the rate of about one every 5 minutes.

It was about 49 degrees out.

Busking being, to a degree, a numbers game i.e. if 200 people* walk past, it is likely that the-guy-that-throws-a-20-dollar-bill will be among them, I knocked off, choosing not to gamble upon catching lightning in a bottle (someone throwing a large tip in order to compensate me for the very absence of others) and to save my strings and spotlight batteries for a night when the traffic rate is more like one tourist every 20 seconds.

*The 200 tourist figure is based upon the music that I actually play. Other musician's odds may vary.

It is Friday evening and 49 degrees outside, forecast to drop another 5 degrees or so overnight. This would be in a range of from 5 to 10 degrees above the lowest temperature that I have discovered that I can play at, which is 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

I was inebriated when I played under that condition, which deadened some of the stinging in the fingertips caused by the cold strings, and I was enduring the remaining pain in the name of getting more drunk. I can remember having to wear gloves on my hands to ride my bike to the playing spot.

Thursday night, I had ridden into the Quarter with the mantra: "something is better than nothing" in my head.

Tonight, I might go with: "You're not going to make a dime sitting in your living room; that's for damned sure."

Now, I need to go find my gloves...

1 comment:

  1. It's been in the 30's overnight here, and honestly I dunno what the buskers, pimps and ho's, drug pushers, beggars, and various hustlers that comprise probably 30% of the city of San Jose's economy do during cold times like this.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...