Sunday, March 11, 2018

Right Here, Right Now

  • 13 Dollar Friday
  • 38 Dollar Saturday

It is 7:30 PM Sunday evening, March 11th.

Yesterday, I did a shot of kratom while I managed to upgrade from the Ubuntu Linux 15.01 to the 16.04.
I am happy that I was able to Google an exact phrase describing my situation and then follow the instructions from someone a bit more advanced than I, and that it worked.

Screen after screen flew by for about 20 minutes as files were downloaded and I was not seeing the word "failed" flying by very much.
I believe the laptop is now back in the state that it was before I screwed it up.

The new harmonica in the key of D, I played for the first time at the Lilly Pad, after having arrived there at the early time of 10:15 PM.

It sounded great to me and I wound up making 38 bucks after about 150 minutes of playing; which works out to $15.20 an hour.

Some songs, I can actually sing better one whole step above the recorded version, after putting my capo on the second fret. "Imagine," by John Lennon is an example. It seemed to me that the tired aspect of that song that I had played so many times took on new energy one step up..

Things To Do

Attempting to stay in the present moment, as per the instructions of Eckhart Tolle in the "The Power of Now," book has coincided with a marked improvement in my state of mind, lately.
I am generally waking up in a better mood and only felt a bit down after I had eaten a lot of sugar the evening before. I skipped 4 days of kratom shots, also, to rule out that it was a crash from that stuff that might have been messing with my moods in the mornings.

One of the downsides, but not really, was the fact that I stayed in from busking for 4 nights in a row, after having determined that sitting on my couch and meditating was more important than going out to do that.

I didn't want to busk unless I could do it without any apprehensions.
It was nice to come home and lay 35 bucks on my coffee table after having gone out with less than a buck in change on me.

I had gotten a cup of coffee and splurged on a Reese's dark chocolate cup, then bought a box of brown sugar, thinking that, if I was going to eat sugar, there was no sense in running to the candy machine to waste money on it, when a 2 lb. box of it was on sale for 99 cents at Walgreen's.

I had a couple cans of the food that Harold likes.
It began to rain quite heavily some time in the early morning.
I was up around my once normal time of 1:30 PM.
The difference now, now that I am in the present moment, is that I seem to get out there and be doing something by 3 PM, rather than be sitting and staring at my walls at that time.

A Project

I'm thinking of poring over this blog and compiling a spreadsheet which would compare my incomes over the past few years, and be able to tell me, for example how the amount of money that I have made so far this year, leads or trails the totals for other years.
I'm sure that this is the nadir of years, with my having had the flu for the first couple weeks of the year and then been forced to stay in another couple weeks due to cold temperatures.
Plus, there was the week that Ben Lambie was in town, when I wasn't busking as much, kind of so I could attend to him a bit...

This would make a game of my trying to have my "best year yet," money-wise, at least.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it, got over the flu not long ago and now I've got a cold.

    Posted so I can sign in to my site.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...