Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Mosquito Repellent

I have to remember to pack the mosquito stuff that has been sitting for years in my apartment, as those pest bite me both outside the Uxi Duxi, and at the Lilly Pad.

I went and got the box of food this morning. It was a farce. The van had "just left" when I got to the lobby at a little past half past nine.
I hopped on my bike to chase it, so that I could get a box and have it driven back to Sacred Heart.

When I got to the place, the van had "just left," so I loaded stuff into doubled plastic bags to put on my handle-bars, and probably could have gotten everything that they gave me back, balancing the box on the handlebars, additionally, but left behind 4 cans of soda that had high fructose corn syrup in them, along with a five pound bag of yellow corn grits...

I just got a half shot of kratom here at the Uxi Duxi. It was $2.17 because I hadn't bothered to ask for the "local neighborhood discount" which would have left me enough for a second one.

After I changed my mind and wanted a full shot, I asked Dom if I could give him the rest of the money I had and get the second half of the shot, since the total would come to what I would have paid for a shot in the first place.

"No, I'm not going to do that," he said, as if relishing the opportunity to deny anyone anything.

"Whatever; just asking..."

Now, he is basically using a technicality to deny me getting a whole shot of the stuff.

And I am having deja-vu from the last time something similar happened. It is over 41 cents, and I am in here almost every day, type of thing.

And, I have to go on my way, harboring no resentment, and not letting it ruin my night.

I guess I'll go out to play, hopefully make something while my batteries last, and then just avoid the Uxi Duxi on nights when Dom works...


  1. If Dom is the guy who manages the place, he probably just doesn't want the Uxi Duxi to the be kind of place where people write reviews like: "The kratom quality is good, but when we were there there was a smelly homeless guy there on his laptop who looked like he was camped out for the afternoon, and my GF swears she saw lice in his nasty-ass long hair".

  2. No, Dom is the "pretty boy," who, despite having a beak of a nose and rodent-like brown eyes is considered "cute" by the manager, Nathaniel. "They would never fire me; I'm the golden boy," Dom once told me.
    When he isn't "working" at the Uxi Duxi, he does pole pole dancing. And I guess guys tip him really well because he such a golden boy, and so a hundred dollar bill is just a dance away for him, and rather than have sympathy for a guy like me, never mind pity; he re-affirms the "world's" notion that "the one with the most toys, wins" and a guy like me is a loser, plain and simple, being nine cents short of a shot of kratom just confirms this to him.
    I got the impression that he just wanted to be alone in the place so he could put his favorite music on the system, maybe a song that he wants to dance to, by some group that I've never heard of, and, can you believe he's never heard of them, he's so out of the loop, so old, so useless, and now he wants me to stop what I'm doing and grind him a shot of kratom, when I could be working on something important that is going to touch the lives of many others; my pole dance....
    He might have thought that I was running some kind of shell game or a card trick type thing on him...If I would have gotten the discount I'm entitled to, then I wouldn't be nine cents short right now -I posted that it was over 41 cents, but it was actually nine, after I figured it out; It could be that Dom has never learned math; and couldn't follow the logic of what I was saying. If you give a good enough blowjob, you don't need to learn math, type of thing....
    But, hey, the smelly homeless guy moved out of town five years ago, replaced by a guy who some people with sensitive noses might be able to tell owns a cat...but, no, Dom's not the manager.

  3. Just a dance away LOL!

    Well, I wonder if you could just order kratom online and do without paying full retail? Or, do without the stuff. You're spending $2 a day on the stuff or more, that's over $60 a month, and probably 25% of your income.

    Actually, I'm kind of surprised you don't have more health problems; your diet is really bad.

    What's interesting is, if you bought kratom online, you could possibly sell shots of it on the street and diversify your earnings a bit.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...