Response To Comments:
"I got lots of coins as well as bills and I'm not sure what that means." -Alex In California
I am pretty much convinced, after 12 years of busking, that change is a good thing that means that you have garnered the appreciation of someone whom you just happened to catch with no small bills, but who wants to show appreciation and only has “this little bit of change” with which to do so.
Outside of the buffoon who throws one penny, this holds pretty much true.
I have also noticed on several occasions that, after having heard the clinking of change hitting the basket and having subconsciously only added around fifty cents to my imaginary running total, I later learned that the change amounted to more than the dollar that they might have thrown.
Never judge a man and look at him with a shadow under your eye with a look that say’s “thanks a lot, pal, just four more generous souls like you and I can get a cheeseburger” before you have counted the change.” Because that is one bell that you can’t un-ring.
I wonder if anyone had been tempted to say “That was more than it sounded like, by the way” to me...
So, hearing change going into the basket does not always mean you just got a small tip
5 "Susan B. Anthony" dollars that sounded like $1.25 going into the basket is another example.
Theory B: Change in the pocket can be seen as a nuisance to a person who is on his way to a club or bar where there is a possibility that that person might get down and boogie on the dance floor. They, and others who just don’t want to rattle all night, might see in the busker something akin to a Goodwill clothing drop box; get rid of your change here and it will go to a good cause, type of thing....
Otherwise, the tourist might attract a skeezer, whose hearing has become discriminant to the point where he can differentiate between the sounds of all of the metals used in modern coinage clanging together and, for instance, a set of keys.
So, I am of the mind that the change that goes into my basket is all of the change that was on the people, who are emptying their pockets of it, starting fresh, making a clean start, not sweating the details, nor carrying remnants of the past with them. They are letting go...
On Bourbon Street, there is also the possibility that it is a skeezer, wanting to be seen by his mark throwing what the mark might assume was a buck, to con the mark into thinking that the skeezer is brimming over with money, so why would he be after theirs? type of thing.
-stick to activities that you have more of a chance of dying on the way to and from... -Daniel McKenna on safety.
In Other Fake News
Comment 2:
So it is in Mobile, Alabama.
After I was released, there was a sentiment of "Just because you managed to pay some lawyer to get you off doesn't mean you're not a pervert! You're not welcome here!!" from a certain segment of the population.
These were probably were the people who, after I was arrested for having pictures taken at a nude beach, downloaded off of a legal website, said: "I knew there was something fishy about that guy, and I was right!!" and then they didn't want to be wrong. They didn't factor in that the Port Authority cops, who aren't especially trained in the fine points of laws pertaining to pornographic images, were looking for anything that they could arrest me for, throw it at the wall, see if it sticks, type of thing.
And, they didn't seem to trust the "expert" opinion of the public servant who determined that I had nothing illegal, since it is not against the law to snap pictures at a nude beach, nor posses them.
"So that's how you get around the law, you get your smut from nude beaches; you're not welcome here!!" type of thing.
So, back to the anonymous comment maker, and the, I have to admit, fun little game I now have of figuring out who it is.
The smart money would be on Leslie Thompson, who, in two consecutive years when I knew him, had bi-polar type episodes in the middle of December.
We had a fist fight on December 12th, of 2013, I think was the year.
Then, after few months of cooling off, he befriended me again, and by December I was staying at his house again. Until December 12th, that was.
One year to the day after our fist-fight on Bourbon Street, he flipped out again, and started hurling a barrage of insults at me in a colloquial not unlike the "bottom feeding" and "disgusting old man" variety.
Anonymous was most likely drunk when writing the above.
Posting the comment on about a dozen individual posts, including the "most frequently read this year, ones leads me to believe that anonymous wants to tell all my readers, for me, that I have been arrested for child pornography.
Off the short list of possible identities of the poster (below) it was easy to cross off some of the names.
Leslie Thompson
Ben Lambie
Jacob Scardino
Travis Blaine
Alex In California
Sherman Jacobsen
Thomas Antione
A Mr. Goetzinger of Jacksonville, Florida
Someone in New Orleans
Leslie Thompson:
While a strong suspect, due this his having had bipolar flareups at right around this time each year, and the fact that, during one of these episodes, he wound up texting me: "Electric Bill!!!!" by hitting send maybe a hundred times, which is similar to the way this guy posted the comment repetitively; I don't think if was Leslie. The timing of the comment is too much supportive of it being someone else.
Plus, Leslie would not have referred to me by name, as in: "The truth is, Daniel..." He would have said, "Dude" you really are a scum-bag.
Jacob Scardino:: The comment appeared at the same time that Jacob "dropped off the radar" as far has having gone silent on a day when he would usually at least text me to see if I were going the Uxi Duxi or something.

Travis Blaine: The language is not pedantic enough to be Travis Blaine, and the comment is not written in the first person tense, Travis doesn't go long before mentioning "I" or "Me" or "My"
Ben Lambie: The language is right up Ben's alley, with cliche terms like "scumbag" and "sick fuck." His cleverness in sarcasm hovers around the "Quite a collection of mugshots.." level. But there was nothing to trigger his having posted it today, such as there was for who I think it is.
Alex In California: The capping off of the comment with the terse: "Go fuck yourself" is reminiscent of the style of Alex in California, who ended one other comment with something like: "Seriously dude, I'm done with you."
Whomever posted the comment had just discovered me online, I'm convinced.
Maybe because of the Soundcloud song, this person Googled my name, saw the Mobile article, and then began to dig into, it seems exclusively, my criminal record.
It seems like he was able to get more detailed information about Duval County, Florida which might mean he is local to there.
But, the person also seems to be trying to show off his resourcefulness in obtaining such information. Twenty arrests in Duval County, does that sound about right? Seems to come from a person who wants me to think: Oh, my God, he knows everything!
Sherman Jacobsen: Sherman is one of the few people who uses my name a lot when talking to me. "So, Daniel, what's on the agenda today?" "I'll tell you one thing, Daniel, it sure is hot out there." "
The truth is, Daniel..." type of thing.
But, this is not a person who has known me a long time without ever having Googled my name, this is a person who knew me a long time ago, and who was just reminded of my existence and who investigated me.
Thomas Antione: Too much cogency in the language. Thomas would have rambled more. Plus, whomever it is is probably not from Mobile, or they would have already known what happened there.
Mr. Goetzinger of Jacksonville
Things usually don't happen in a vacuum. Yesterday, I sent a friend request on Facebook to Shauna Goetzinger, who I quickly found, perhaps due to the unique spellings of both her first and last names.
It was because of the Debarge Song that brought me back to that time when I lived in Florida. Shauna, who was 15 at the time, became a fixture, hanging around my trailer, rapping into my microphone with her friends; and usually getting weed from me.
She was already restricted to our trailer park after having gotten into trouble at the age of 13 at the other trailer park after a group of older black kids got her smoking crack and wound up basically raping her. She was grounded to our park where I guess I was the devil that they knew.
The Debarge song and the memories that came back made me look for Shauna on facebook and send her a friend request.
There was no answer to my request, even though it looks like she checks her facebook frequently; and there was the comment...
The stuff about me playing this con game where I am assuming the ruse of the starving artist; that is a little perplexing. Am I not working my ass off, if only for a couple hours a night, and making "starvation" wages?
This makes me think it is not a someone from New Orleans who has seen me busking. They might think that my blog, along with the Soundcloud video is the sum of my "contribution" to the world of art.
I knew that posting the picture of the little girl with the "And I like it" lyric would shake out some response....either guys wanting to trade pictures of young girls with me; or something like the comment...
My biggest concern is that the person is kind of implying that my twenty arrests over ten years of living in Jacksonville, which were of the type that pile up for homeless people whom the police might think they are doing a favor by jailing on a night that is forecast to be below freezing, are all for child porn, and that I am wanted in Louisiana (trespassing on the rail yard) and Florida (failure to appear in court for some of the twenty charges) for the same thing; and is implying that I actually had child pornography of the sort where children were abused, exploited, sold and otherwise damaged through the production of.
If Alex in California stops reading/commenting then I would guess it was him. In his vodka fueled rants, he has accused me of conning people behind the guise of the starving artist. He may have dumbed down his language to disguise himself.
It's funny how one article about me having charges dropped is enough for people in Mobile to say: "There's that child raper!"
My lawyer had actually called the guy at the newspaper to make sure that that article was printed. To recant things and vindicate me and to give people like anonymous just enough to believe what they want to believe.
"Your guitar buddy," is a phrase that I will have to chew upon until I figure out who would use that exact phrase....tell your guitar buddy...hmm...
Would someone know I claim to be a Christian from just this blog?
When I was in Mobile I went to church.
Never in Jacksonville did I, though...
I deleted a lot of the comments because they were duplicates put after ten different posts; but not because I am trying to hide the comment and hope the guy goes away. I did change it so that only people with Google accounts and Blogger accounts can comment, so that he doesn't have to be gutless and cowardly with his fake news.
In Other Fake News
Comment 2:
Hey Daniel, Be sure to tell your readers that you have been arrested in the past for Child Pornography. You sick fuck. Quite the collection of mugshots you have online. Mobile was it? Be sure to tell your guitar buddy about that. How much federal time have you spent in the past? You had what 20 arrests in Duval County, Florida that number correct? You have a rap sheet in other places that rival the length of the Bible (which is hilarious that consider yourself a Christian.) How many places are you wanted in? Wanted in Louisiana...Florida...anywhere else? How many times have you been convicted of Fraud? The truth is Daniel, you really are a scumbag. You put on this starving artist act and con everyone around to the effect you act as if they owe you something, when really you are too much of a piece of shit to get a job like everyone else. The stark reality is that you are a creepy, bottom feeding, disgusting old man. Go fuck yourself -Anonymous
Dear anonymous: Do you believe that everyone who is arrested for child pornography is a sick fuck?
Do you believe that everyone arrested for murder should hang?
I actually blogged about the whole experience in Mobile, Alabama. And I think I even posted the above article to my Facebook.
I have been arrested for murder before, by the way.
It was a ploy by the Florida State Attorney, George Beteh to bring me from out by Seattle, Washington, back to Jacksonville, Florida to testify against someone I knew who had done the murder. I was supposed to give a deposition over the phone from there but, had forgotten to return one call and had called too late the next time, forgetting about the 3 hour time difference.
So, in order to avail himself to the necessary power to cross state lines and bring me in, since I wasn't apparently taking the matter seriously, Mr. Beteh named me as a "suspect" in that high profile murder, and put out a nation-wide manhunt for me, involving, the local and state police, the FBI, the secret service (I kid you not) and the IRS.
Mr. Beteh was very serious about getting his conviction, and he wanted to seek the death penalty, for which my testimony that Bobby had been contemplating the crime two weeks prior to it, was key.
He spent thousands of Florida taxpayer's dollars just to get me on the stand for ten minutes. To him it was nothing to put me through the ordeal of being hauled in the the Duval County jail, where the buzz was that they had caught the guy who murdered the husband and father of a four year old daughter, something which had outraged "the entire community" after their family photo appeared on the front page of The Florida Times. (No, Alex in California, he didn't marry his daughter, he was both a husband and the father of a four year old girl).
The IRS was most likely consulted to see if I was employed somewhere. The secret service maybe because they can wield more power if some kind of threat to the office of the president is alluded to?
The point of the story is that, since they could not find me using any of the above agencies, despite the fact that the other guy that I camped with in the woods nearby where I worked (like everyone else) said that helicopters had been flying overhead all night and that one of them had done a quick about-face and come back after he had lit a cigarette.
This elusiveness was mostly because I was using an alternate identity, which I had "stolen" from a deceased friend. That reference from anonymous' rant is accurate, I did use multiple ID's, mostly because if I had too many violations on my driving record within the prior year, then I wouldn't be able to work at my Dominos Pizza job, which was making me about four hundred bucks a week on a schedule that allowed me to be in my music studio from early morning until the sun came up. So it was easy enough (in the 1990's) to get another license.
And so, George Beteh couldn't find me.
And so, they intensified the search.
The helicopters were probably a result of them having tracked me through the library that I used to blog from; combined with a trace on the payphone -remember those?- that I had called from to apologize for having missed my deposition the day before. They probably had that set up in advance for "the next time he calls." In hindsight, George did seem to be a bit more chatty that time, and had put his secretary on the phone with me at one point.
I had made arrangements for them to fly me from Seattle to Jacksonville, put me up in a hotel with a daily expense account, where I would reside until the trial date came around. By making me a suspect, all that went out the window and they could handcuff me and bring me in like a common murderer.
The final straw came after agents were sent to my parent's house in Massachusetts. They vaguely threatened to tear their house apart looking for any clues to my whereabouts, jail them if they are found to be obstructing justice, and added that they could subpoena their mail delivery and do other things, if it came to that. This was typical FBI bullying. What average citizen would know if they really could subpoena mail? My father hung up the phone on me when I was making a routine call home.
"The state police were here and they told us that you were involved in a murder; he's pretty upset right now," my mother told me after I called again, thinking that it might have been a bad connection.
That was when I called George Beteh's office and told him where I could be found.
Back to the point.
When I returned to Federal Way, Washington after the trial had finally ended, it was as a murderer. I could see people whispering to each other out of the corner of my eye.
And, I was told by my manager that I couldn't have my job back, "because of everything that happened."
None of them seemed to be reasoning that a few weeks was an awful short time to have spent in jail for one.
Do you believe that everyone arrested for murder should hang?
I actually blogged about the whole experience in Mobile, Alabama. And I think I even posted the above article to my Facebook.
I have been arrested for murder before, by the way.
It was a ploy by the Florida State Attorney, George Beteh to bring me from out by Seattle, Washington, back to Jacksonville, Florida to testify against someone I knew who had done the murder. I was supposed to give a deposition over the phone from there but, had forgotten to return one call and had called too late the next time, forgetting about the 3 hour time difference.
So, in order to avail himself to the necessary power to cross state lines and bring me in, since I wasn't apparently taking the matter seriously, Mr. Beteh named me as a "suspect" in that high profile murder, and put out a nation-wide manhunt for me, involving, the local and state police, the FBI, the secret service (I kid you not) and the IRS.
Mr. Beteh was very serious about getting his conviction, and he wanted to seek the death penalty, for which my testimony that Bobby had been contemplating the crime two weeks prior to it, was key.
He spent thousands of Florida taxpayer's dollars just to get me on the stand for ten minutes. To him it was nothing to put me through the ordeal of being hauled in the the Duval County jail, where the buzz was that they had caught the guy who murdered the husband and father of a four year old daughter, something which had outraged "the entire community" after their family photo appeared on the front page of The Florida Times. (No, Alex in California, he didn't marry his daughter, he was both a husband and the father of a four year old girl).
The IRS was most likely consulted to see if I was employed somewhere. The secret service maybe because they can wield more power if some kind of threat to the office of the president is alluded to?
The point of the story is that, since they could not find me using any of the above agencies, despite the fact that the other guy that I camped with in the woods nearby where I worked (like everyone else) said that helicopters had been flying overhead all night and that one of them had done a quick about-face and come back after he had lit a cigarette.
This elusiveness was mostly because I was using an alternate identity, which I had "stolen" from a deceased friend. That reference from anonymous' rant is accurate, I did use multiple ID's, mostly because if I had too many violations on my driving record within the prior year, then I wouldn't be able to work at my Dominos Pizza job, which was making me about four hundred bucks a week on a schedule that allowed me to be in my music studio from early morning until the sun came up. So it was easy enough (in the 1990's) to get another license.
And so, George Beteh couldn't find me.
And so, they intensified the search.
The helicopters were probably a result of them having tracked me through the library that I used to blog from; combined with a trace on the payphone -remember those?- that I had called from to apologize for having missed my deposition the day before. They probably had that set up in advance for "the next time he calls." In hindsight, George did seem to be a bit more chatty that time, and had put his secretary on the phone with me at one point.
I had made arrangements for them to fly me from Seattle to Jacksonville, put me up in a hotel with a daily expense account, where I would reside until the trial date came around. By making me a suspect, all that went out the window and they could handcuff me and bring me in like a common murderer.
The final straw came after agents were sent to my parent's house in Massachusetts. They vaguely threatened to tear their house apart looking for any clues to my whereabouts, jail them if they are found to be obstructing justice, and added that they could subpoena their mail delivery and do other things, if it came to that. This was typical FBI bullying. What average citizen would know if they really could subpoena mail? My father hung up the phone on me when I was making a routine call home.
"The state police were here and they told us that you were involved in a murder; he's pretty upset right now," my mother told me after I called again, thinking that it might have been a bad connection.
That was when I called George Beteh's office and told him where I could be found.
Back to the point.
When I returned to Federal Way, Washington after the trial had finally ended, it was as a murderer. I could see people whispering to each other out of the corner of my eye.
And, I was told by my manager that I couldn't have my job back, "because of everything that happened."
None of them seemed to be reasoning that a few weeks was an awful short time to have spent in jail for one.
So it is in Mobile, Alabama.
After I was released, there was a sentiment of "Just because you managed to pay some lawyer to get you off doesn't mean you're not a pervert! You're not welcome here!!" from a certain segment of the population.
These were probably were the people who, after I was arrested for having pictures taken at a nude beach, downloaded off of a legal website, said: "I knew there was something fishy about that guy, and I was right!!" and then they didn't want to be wrong. They didn't factor in that the Port Authority cops, who aren't especially trained in the fine points of laws pertaining to pornographic images, were looking for anything that they could arrest me for, throw it at the wall, see if it sticks, type of thing.
And, they didn't seem to trust the "expert" opinion of the public servant who determined that I had nothing illegal, since it is not against the law to snap pictures at a nude beach, nor posses them.
"So that's how you get around the law, you get your smut from nude beaches; you're not welcome here!!" type of thing.
So, back to the anonymous comment maker, and the, I have to admit, fun little game I now have of figuring out who it is.
The smart money would be on Leslie Thompson, who, in two consecutive years when I knew him, had bi-polar type episodes in the middle of December.
We had a fist fight on December 12th, of 2013, I think was the year.
Then, after few months of cooling off, he befriended me again, and by December I was staying at his house again. Until December 12th, that was.
One year to the day after our fist-fight on Bourbon Street, he flipped out again, and started hurling a barrage of insults at me in a colloquial not unlike the "bottom feeding" and "disgusting old man" variety.
Anonymous was most likely drunk when writing the above.
Posting the comment on about a dozen individual posts, including the "most frequently read this year, ones leads me to believe that anonymous wants to tell all my readers, for me, that I have been arrested for child pornography.
Off the short list of possible identities of the poster (below) it was easy to cross off some of the names.
Leslie Thompson
Ben Lambie
Jacob Scardino
Travis Blaine
Alex In California
Sherman Jacobsen
Thomas Antione
A Mr. Goetzinger of Jacksonville, Florida
Someone in New Orleans
While a strong suspect, due this his having had bipolar flareups at right around this time each year, and the fact that, during one of these episodes, he wound up texting me: "Electric Bill!!!!" by hitting send maybe a hundred times, which is similar to the way this guy posted the comment repetitively; I don't think if was Leslie. The timing of the comment is too much supportive of it being someone else.
Plus, Leslie would not have referred to me by name, as in: "The truth is, Daniel..." He would have said, "Dude" you really are a scum-bag.

Ben Lambie? |
Whomever posted the comment had just discovered me online, I'm convinced.
Maybe because of the Soundcloud song, this person Googled my name, saw the Mobile article, and then began to dig into, it seems exclusively, my criminal record.
It seems like he was able to get more detailed information about Duval County, Florida which might mean he is local to there.
But, the person also seems to be trying to show off his resourcefulness in obtaining such information. Twenty arrests in Duval County, does that sound about right? Seems to come from a person who wants me to think: Oh, my God, he knows everything!
Sherman?? |
But, this is not a person who has known me a long time without ever having Googled my name, this is a person who knew me a long time ago, and who was just reminded of my existence and who investigated me.
Mr. Goetzinger of Jacksonville
Things usually don't happen in a vacuum. Yesterday, I sent a friend request on Facebook to Shauna Goetzinger, who I quickly found, perhaps due to the unique spellings of both her first and last names.
It was because of the Debarge Song that brought me back to that time when I lived in Florida. Shauna, who was 15 at the time, became a fixture, hanging around my trailer, rapping into my microphone with her friends; and usually getting weed from me.
She was already restricted to our trailer park after having gotten into trouble at the age of 13 at the other trailer park after a group of older black kids got her smoking crack and wound up basically raping her. She was grounded to our park where I guess I was the devil that they knew.
The Debarge song and the memories that came back made me look for Shauna on facebook and send her a friend request.
There was no answer to my request, even though it looks like she checks her facebook frequently; and there was the comment...
The stuff about me playing this con game where I am assuming the ruse of the starving artist; that is a little perplexing. Am I not working my ass off, if only for a couple hours a night, and making "starvation" wages?
This makes me think it is not a someone from New Orleans who has seen me busking. They might think that my blog, along with the Soundcloud video is the sum of my "contribution" to the world of art.
I knew that posting the picture of the little girl with the "And I like it" lyric would shake out some response....either guys wanting to trade pictures of young girls with me; or something like the comment...
My biggest concern is that the person is kind of implying that my twenty arrests over ten years of living in Jacksonville, which were of the type that pile up for homeless people whom the police might think they are doing a favor by jailing on a night that is forecast to be below freezing, are all for child porn, and that I am wanted in Louisiana (trespassing on the rail yard) and Florida (failure to appear in court for some of the twenty charges) for the same thing; and is implying that I actually had child pornography of the sort where children were abused, exploited, sold and otherwise damaged through the production of.
If Alex in California stops reading/commenting then I would guess it was him. In his vodka fueled rants, he has accused me of conning people behind the guise of the starving artist. He may have dumbed down his language to disguise himself.
It's funny how one article about me having charges dropped is enough for people in Mobile to say: "There's that child raper!"
My lawyer had actually called the guy at the newspaper to make sure that that article was printed. To recant things and vindicate me and to give people like anonymous just enough to believe what they want to believe.
"Your guitar buddy," is a phrase that I will have to chew upon until I figure out who would use that exact phrase....tell your guitar buddy...hmm...
Would someone know I claim to be a Christian from just this blog?
When I was in Mobile I went to church.
Never in Jacksonville did I, though...
I deleted a lot of the comments because they were duplicates put after ten different posts; but not because I am trying to hide the comment and hope the guy goes away. I did change it so that only people with Google accounts and Blogger accounts can comment, so that he doesn't have to be gutless and cowardly with his fake news.
OK the long story of helicopters and .... murdering child porn? Pornifying a murder? Pornifying an underage helicopter? Uhh, anyway I'll have to read it over another time or two to figure it out, but it sounds more like just being a case of a guy who's always got bad luck even if he has to go out and chase it down.
ReplyDeleteThe "I Like It" picture didn't have any connotations to me of liking kids, hell anyone who's followed this blog knows you can pick up grown women just fine. My only thoughts about that drawing was to perhaps comment that if you think in terms of drawing something that's physically round, the way an apple or a human head is, it may help keep the eyes lined up better.
Somehow, somewhere, someone looked you up on soundcloud or something, and decided to play Mr. Supersleuth. Most of us out here in teevee land just don't care that much.
BTW I think you might be right about the change. Just people deciding they want to get rid of it, especially if they're going to dance somewhere or something.
Wait a minute ....doesn't Jacob Scardino have this older guy who's not his biological parent, who's his "guardian" and is very controlling? You didn't mention him in your list, did you? The "guitar buddy" would be Jacob of course. Maybe the old guy's getting jealous because Jacob's been able to get away from him more and play music with you?