Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Two From The Lilly Pad: Magnifying An Aberration

Actual live recordings using cellphone microphones

Oh, I forgot to mention that on "While My Harmonica..." the following played:
Myself: Acoustic guitar, vocals, harmonica, live at the Lilly Pad. (Real tourists were actually subjected to parts of this) additional engineering which added a bass boost to the notoriously tinny phone recording.
[The only thing I am leery of in boosting the bass is that, since the phone's microphone barely picksup any at all, the levels fall to zero at some point when they are fainter than even the phone can represent in binary...
So, if you go nuts amplifying it, you are just magnifying an aberration.
So, I compromised and left Jacob Scardino's acoustic bass at a low level because amplifying it was going to make it sound louder but worse. There is just too much noise where the bass notes should be on the .m4a out of my phone.
But, I am ready to pounce upon the first deal I see on any kind of external phone microphone.
Trouble is that a lot of the best ones have "lightning" connectors which I think only work with Apple products.
Employees of one of these tech companies will one day hold all of the world's data hostage, and require half the earth's wealth as the ransom.,Or, they will set up a world dictatorship and give people back their data in exchange for their complete allegiance.
They could keep the populace in check due to the fear that they made copies of everyone's data before giving it back...
I would worry more about Google than Donald Trump at this very stage of us having crawled out of the ooze and spoken our first words, etc...

1 comment:

  1. What's worrisome is that Trump is only a figurehead, the real creeps running the show are Newt Gingrich, the Koch brothers, and a shitton of white nationalists.

    Google, however, has shown that it will happily work with the most evil people if it makes 'em a buck.

    So it's the combination. We've got actual Nazis trying to run the country, and Google will work with them just like IBM worked with the Nazis 1.0 in WWII.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...