Sunday, September 22, 2019

Domingo Addendum

A brisk bike ride to the Family Dollar, where I purchased toilet paper, kitty litter, a can of food for Harold and an energy drink, which I spiked with kratom, complete, I now prepare to get back on my bike and go by some trash that someone put out in front of a dwelling.

There were 4 Sony speakers, which were slim and tall and rated at 4 ohms.

They would perfectly plug into the radio that I am now listening to the Saints game on in monophonic, because one of the speakers cables is broken.

I have already grabbed an almost full gallon of paint from about a dozen cans of it that were splayed about the pile of trash as if to cordon it off and prevent cars from crashing into it.

The paint is "highly reflective" white latex, intended for indoor use.

My kitchen walls, for one, are stained with everything from grape juice to oil spattered out of pans on the stove. We have been informed that all improvements, such as painting over a wall like that must be done by the maintenance team here, the ones who often never even show up (unless they have a work order and the resident isn't home; in that case, they seem to be very efficient at entering the vacant apartments and snooping around while changing the light bulb or painting over a kitchen wall. I leave my Snowball microphone on "record" whenever I put in such an order, even (especially) if I have specified a certain time when I would like them to do the work because I will be there to let them in then.. But I digress.

I am going to just paint over my own walls with highly reflective latex, a departure from the flat kind that they use which retains stains which cannot be wiped off without sanding off the whole layer of paint.

I'm pretty sure they only want the maintenance guys to paint because they are afraid of residents using a flammable type of paint and setting the whole building on fire because of it. And, they are afraid the resident will get paint all over something, thus "damaging" it...

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