Sunday, October 27, 2019

Working On The Story

  • A Goose Egg Busking
  • Story At 11,115 Words
The story I am writing, I intend to post here serially, the same way that Charles Dickens published certain of his works.

I am still arranging the story, so that it can be divided into logical portions.

But, in the meantime, Jacob and I went out and busked last (Saturday) night, and were assaulted by a barrage of distractions, as parades of people in costumes passed, who never even looked our way, never mind making eye contact or showing any interest in us.

I determined that it was another like minded group that shares pretty much the same consciousness, and perhaps had grouped Jacob and I with the rest of the heroin addicts on Bourbon Street.

Or perhaps they were all in town for a huge convention of Jehovah's Witnesses' or some other religion that "doesn't believe in" tipping.
And, the messing around with the GIMP editor continues....
But, we made nothing after maybe two hours of what I thought was good playing. The brand new Special 20 harp was sounding lyrical and introspective; all for nothing, on the surface of it at least...


1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that if there is *anything* going on, like an ambulance stops, or cops are ticketing somebody, or the city sets up a stupid outdoor games like "cornhole" and Jenga etc., then people are captivated by those and utterly ignore buskers. I took my tip box and played right between a Jenga tower and a ping-pong table, both in use, and nope nada not even a dime.

    Fortunately in the case of the cornhole nonsense, I think it may have resulted in lower sales for the little shops and restaurants too, as weekends at San Pedro Square seem to be free of that junque these days.

    And I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that with your rail-thin physique, decades-long need for a haircut, and Dumpster-dived attire, that you'd be mistaken for a junkie.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...