Sunday, December 1, 2019

You Retarded?

Bobby from building C arrived at my place and cussed out Jacob, while we were in the middle of recording with the mics still on.
So, Jacob made this techno thing out of it.
I actually shouldn't take credit for it, but don't know how to put things on my Soundcloud page under someone else' name...
I'm writing on my serial novel, chapter 3; don't want to rush that, but don't want to go too long without a post.

Jacob gave me a Marine Band harmonica that he had laying around; and now all I have to busk up is the money for the thing that goes around my neck to hold it...
So that is the mission this coming week; aside from chapter 3 of the story...


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...