Monday, March 16, 2020

It Was Indeed

Time to go back out on that Saturday night.
The weather was perfect, only we had the Corona virus to think about; the one that had shut off access to the Sacred Heart Apartment building (as if people who have just flown here from China are going to stop at Sacred Heart just to see their buddies).
But, I didn't go out; and I blame the bottle of wine.
I am down to zero days sober, after having gotten back to another 12 or so days, after the last 12 or so day period of not drinking.
I could have easily made 50 bucks out there, but I lay on my bed, scratching Harold the cat, and trying to prepare my soul for passage into the next consciousness...
But, I still could have busked.
As I could have, Sunday night.
Same thing; another bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon; plus some gabapentin, the usual weed, and kratom, plenty of kratom.
Enough kratom ot have made me go out and play, were it not for the other constituents of the evening's mindset.
Well, I am working hard on some music and, once again, will post some here soon.
The thing is that, "they" have been improving the Open Shot Video Editor, and the improvements have been being automatically downloaded and patched into the program via the Ubuntu Linux system, upon which I have the "live patch" feature on.
So, I think, after not using the Open Shot editor for about 2 years, I might be pleasantly surprised by the fact that I can use it to make videos, without worrying about the thing crashing after every operation I perform....

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