Fix the bikes, get more potting soil to start more seeds; find a way to hang the plant light higher, to accommodate the growing plants; get cat food; finish re-arranging studio/living room; get a turntable; get a bookshelf; organize books and CD's; get a power adapter for the second laptop, which has a CD player that might work better than this laptop's; send off for new strings; new gig bag; look into a headset microphone to become amplified; using the cover of the outside music at Lafitt's to clandestinely boost my own volume level, so that after the bar reverts to it's normal level, I will still be at the Lilly Pad, but will be amplified...
As soon as I get around to switching my phone's service over to the LG Aristo 3 smartphone, then I will be able to use it's camera and camcorder to have higher quality pictures here.

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