Hey, everyone...
Before and After
11 months between the two pictures, and the one on the right is actually the "after" photo. The kinda skinny guy to the left is me back when I had no idea that a virus would be coming in 4 months.
But, God with his ever loving grace has made it so I would actually make out like a bandit in this Covid world.
The money that the government is doling out to the masses is based upon keeping the average guy alive.
A guy like me could use the whole amount to create something in my room, while eating the healthiest diet and watching Eckhart Tolle videos to guide me into the present moment and then become an amazing person, to emerge from Sacred Heart Apartments after the virus is over and the horn sounds, alerting the citizens that it is safe and they can come out, as a phoenix rising from the ashes.
I might be able to go back to the Lilly Pad to play and people would be whispering "Over the whole year and a half of the Covid thing, he shut himself in his apartment and then studied Tommy Emmanuel videos for 12 hours a day, like a maniac, while subsisting on a vegan diet and meditating 3 hours every day...."
To explain what the hell had gotten into me and why I had gotten so good; since the last time I was out there.
Of course, when drunk people are telling you you're awesome, and tipping well, night in and night out, it would almost seem like overkill to actually be playing awesome stuff; like Tommy Emmanuel...
But, the theory is that, the music is to connect with individual people; and playing the Tom Petty song that you heard coming out of a guy's car as he was attempting to park it, as he walks by you to get to the bar, is something that I once did (I think it was "Mary Jane's Last Dance") and that guy might have just ignored a great piece of classical music; but he threw like five bucks in my basket.
...gee, five bucks is nothing to a guy who finds $1,200 checks in his mailbox at his Permanent Assisted Housing unit....
I am looking into the process of exporting this whole blog into Wordpress, or maybe one of the sites that charge a nominal fee, in exchange for allowing you to have more control.
Although, most of that functionality in other blogs just seems to turn into links to all sorts of other material.
Like, I saw an interesting article this morning, here's a link to it...
But, not just a link; an embedded page of sorts with a photo plus the headline and the first paragraph, with the "more..." thing fading at the bottom.
Well, more control over who reads it...
Tomorrow will be the trip to Walmart to exchange the speakers for a refund on my card, and to grab a few things while I'm there. Planning to really stay inside for a while.
I need to get a pistol before election day. I just wonder if I should use an alternate ID...
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