Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Big Tech vs. Street Musician Daniel

 My blog traffic has been throttled since I posted the "political" commentary about 2 weeks ago that got an amazing amount of hits, and then...
About 12 people a day now come here; and when I search the exact phrases I use and what I blog about, like "Street music in New Orleans and Harold the Cat," I mean, come on! It's not in the search results any more.

I have been branded as "not one of us" by someone at Google or maybe Youtube or Facebook put a flag on my account.

Time to use another online identity, maybe switch the blog over to the new account...

But what a tangled web we weave (excuse the pun) because all the music I have linked to Soundcloud and Youtube is directly tied to the blog; it's almost like I would have to give up the URL of "daniels-new-blog."

I thought I would keep that because so many URL's have already been taken by now.

I remember back in the late 1980's, people were paying something like 12 bucks to register URL's named things like Coke.com or even JoeBiden.com and then would wait until that entity came up to speed with the web and wanted to start their own website; and the URL would be sold to them, for like $50,000 in the case of say, the NFL. Paid to the guy who had the foresight to buy the domain of "nfl.com"

So, I thought I was fortunate to get daniels-new-blog before anyone else. 

But now I seem to have been blacklisted by the search engines in this cancel culture that I shake my head over.

Yup, as soon as I posted a not over-the-top anti-Trump post the graph of my blog traffic flat-lined. Only the 12 people who include my mother are probably even able to come here, with it having been "disappeared" from the web.

I know this is typical "right wing" conspiracy type thinking, but the "audience" stats don't lie...

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