Thursday, December 9, 2021

A Time To De-Clutter


I spent a lot of time and unlimited data, through the government phone which is allotting that amount to all of us homeless food stamp recipients; apparently to keep us glued to our phones in order for Big Brother to keep us informed, while keeping tabs on our locations. 

There are no doubt scripts that monitor the gathering of those that have been labelled by the algorithm as "domestic terrorists" for the gathering of them in numbers greater than 50 or so -one of the costs of "free unlimited data," due to the pandemic, of course...

Meanwhile, I sit at home and have watched a whole hour and forty minute interview of Eckhart Tolle, by Russell Brand, and then watched the above documentary which itself was about and hour and a half in length.

Hearing the Tibetans talk about their own holocaust, at the hands of the Chinese -one that didn't get the press that the Hitler one did, for reasons that still seem to be at play today; and how the Yogis have no animosity towards the Chinese people (they were just doing as instructed by the Communist system) nor the Chinese government (the people who were brutalized in every way imaginable were just paying for the negative karma they had accrued in this, or previous, lives) was a great testament to their authenticity.

Earlier, I had watched a video where four guys ranked The Smith's top ten songs, in each of their opinions.

And, I wound up falling asleep to a video about the Gnostic Gospels, which resonated with me, as I drifted off to sleep. Good thing for unlimited data, as I got up a few hours later and stopped the laptop from consuming more than the half a gigabyte that was wasted, as I slept, or maybe not, if it sunk into my mind subconsciously.

Upon waking and invoking the Law of Attraction by coming up with 3 things to be positive about (something that a young girl, interviewed at one of the outcrops of the Buddhist exodus from the genocidal Chinese, in or around San Diego, California, said something very similar to, in that every night before she went to sleep she would think of 2 things that she "did bad" that day, and two things that she "did good" and would wake up with the resolve to not repeat the one, but rather the other).

It was as soon as I felt happy and grateful for what I had that I looked at my bookshelf and noticed a book that I didn't remember ever seeing before, and wondered how it had even gotten on my shelf -I had probably grabbed it along with others that had drawn my attention away from it.

It was "the life changing magic of tidying up (the Japanese art of de-cluttering and organizing). Ironic that it had been hidden in the clutter of my room from me, until then.

I might write more about it, and other things but, it is 10 p.m., and 73 degrees on this December 9th evening -the Thursday Night Football game is a slaughter, as if the Pittsburg Steelers were the Tibetan's and The Minnesota Vikings the Chinese Communists, and so there is every reason for me to go out and busk, even though I continue to struggle with motivating myself to do so.

I'm starting to think that I am being called to fast for a long period of time without any kratom or coffee or tobacco or weed or sugar; kind of like the Yogis.

Found in a messy pile of books in my room...

I will be happy to make enough for an ounce of kratom and a can of food for Harold.

I also fear that I might be addicted to the Internet, which was a common thread between the Eckhart Tolle video and the Yogi one. Both of them mentioned the danger of ego driven websites that foment anger and resentment and jealousy and the rest of the 5 things that the Yogis struggle to subdue through meditation.

I might have to either de-clutter this blog by going back and deleting out such negativity from past posts; or just shut the laptop down and only use it to check the weather from now on and message a few people..

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