Monday, December 27, 2021

The Dolphins Come Swimming In

 Every second I spend here typing is one more second later that I will arrive at the Caesar's Dome to play for those of the 65,000 people that will either march past me as Saints fans, or swim past as Miami Dolphin fans.

If I was as on the ball as Tanya and Dorise used to be; I would have a couple Miami Sound Machine songs on tap; and might be able to "turn the beat around" as required.

I'm going to have to put into practice a discipline of adding one new song to the set list every night; either one reclaimed from the forgotten past; or one that I could learn in 5 minutes; like most Tom Petty songs.

I had 4 one dollar chips thrown as tips on Christmas Eve, from the Caesar's casino, and I guess I might go and cash them in, in order to tank up on a couple beers before setting up in the chaotic environment across from the stadium.

The "fears and insecurities" section of the brain is mostly occupied by worrying that they have re-arranged things and that the spot where I used to play by the stadium might now have a hot dog cart parked there, or something..

Put those thoughts can be replaced by: happy to have air in the tires; and at the very worst, I could cash in the chips and drink a couple beers then go to the Lilly Pad, if the stadium spot proves to be untenable.

The amplifier on full volume would come in handy; but the batteries are dead from it having turned itself on inside my backpack from being jostled just enough last Tuesday; the night it was raining hard enough to give me an excuse to stay in.

Oddly, the amount for a fresh set of batteries is the same 4 bucks that I have in casino chips; but I would have to cash them in and then ride 2 miles back to Family Dollar for the batteries and then 2 miles back to the spot...

That seems to be a hardship which was just run-of-the-mill back when I was homeless; but that was also when I was drinking; probably as a buffer against hardships...

Tonight, there isn't a very valid excuse for not at least going out. I won't be able to decide at 4 in the morning that, come to think of it, now I do feel like going out.

Jacob is transferring the Christmas Eve busking recordings into stereo mixes; and so perhaps I will have that to look forward to upon returning home; and might be able to post up another Soundcloud file here soon...

Like I say, every second spend typing here is....

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