I'm so fortunate to be in tonight with a gallon of grape juice and another of alkaline water, and to be listening to Tchaikovsky, blaring from the turntable in the other room.
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The Captain wired in; he had water coming in... |
The two days of fasting, which will have to be logged under the "intermittent" category; had improved my health to the point that, Friday night, after Jacob showed up and we had recorded a bit of us jamming; I had a kratom tea, and one to take with me to the Lilly Pad, where we played pretty well, but there is the lack of tourists out there that occurs every July and August each year, now that I think of it. I went to Baton Rouge to busk in August one year and to Mobile another summer. Those places aren't used to seeing buskers and so the tips can be very good because of the novelty of there being someone playing somewhere in their downtown areas.
In Baton Rouge, there seemed to be just enough LSU students, I guess taking summer courses, or whatever, to keep a pretty active 3 block stretch of clubs and bars and restaurants going.
After we got back early Saturday morning, I succumbed to some Wheat Bran cereal with peanut butter and cocoa and cinnamon mixed in, with alkaline water. It was the chocolate that I was craving; and I couldn't think of any better way of delivering that, since I only have unsweetened cocoa, and don't keep any sugar in the place, unless it is the sugar in Wheat Bran cereal...
But, after having eaten yesterday (Sunday) some ground beef, fried with mushrooms, with steamed greens, and then had followed that a few hours later with more cereal with peanut butter, today is a new day.
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And the good ship and crew were in peril... |
In the "looking a gift horse in the mouth," category, the water began as a small puddle that I noticed along a certain floorboard.
Over the course of the next couple weeks the puddle encroached upon almost the entire carpet in the bedroom.
I'm not one to complain about every little thing, because there are other residents that keep the maintenance people busy by doing so, but I informed Dorothy, up front of the situation on Friday.
I had my friend Jacob coming over for the weekend and the water meant that he would have to wear boots just to go to the bathroom..
This morning, I was up at about 3 in the afternoon and went up front to reiterate the complaint, because half the time, someone from maintenance never shows up.
My rent comes directly from somewhere to the Sacred Heart people, so I don't have that weapon in my arsenal -threatening to withhold rent until they remedy a situation. I've never gone as far as finding out where my rent comes from, exactly, in the 8 years that I've been here. I might do that.
The water that is gradually flooding the whole rug is not clean water. There were maggots wiggling around in one particular spot, and it appears that my carpet is going to be a fertile ground for mold to grow.
I just started squeegy-ing water off the thing, and put a fan blowing on it.
There was some overweight young black lady (who had a damned MASK on her face -that told me who she "is") who insisted that I had already spoken with the maintenance people, and that they were already working on the problem. She was telling this to Tim, the white security guard, and was apparently confusing me with another resident; perhaps one of the "mentally disabled" ones. Maybe she thought she could superimpose her truth on the matter.
She has gone around putting up notices that say things like "Do not enter unless you are wearing a mask," and sanitized her hands at least once while trying to tell Tim that maintenance was already aware of the problem that is causing water to come in my place.
But then she added that is was "because of the rain," and so I made up my mind that she is an ignorant young lady.
"Um, it started a couple of weeks ago, during the drought," I said.
"It's from the rain," the ignoramus repeated, as if saying so would make it true. We need to get rid of her. I'll work on getting her fired; let my subconscious mind solve the problem while I sleep.
I might have to threaten to sue the place over the dangerous mold that is perhaps already germinating in my carpet. A health violation. All her fault because of her insistence that "rain" is somehow getting to my apartment on the bottom floor of a 4 story building.
The notices that are all over the place state that, "although there is no city-wide mask mandate," there is still one governing the confines of Sacred Heart Apartments (as per whoever put them up).
She must be crazy. Hasn't she figured out that "the virus" was just a plot by Big Pharma, in cahoots with the globalist elites, using it, along with climate change to get over on masses? Isn't it strange that the regular "yearly" flu just took a couple years off, to make way for this "novel" strain, apparently?
But, it's rain. It just gave itself a 2 week head start, and started seeping through the wall before the actual rain started falling outside.
This masked up hand sanitizer is going to be a problem; reminds me of the Negros that they used to depict in the old Three Stooges episodes -the ones that were always seeing ghosts and having the whites of their eyes bulge out in fear. This girl needs to have her phone flushed down the toilet to get her away from the propaganda...
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