Guillaume Dufay Day
So, I'm getting to the blog, for at least 15 minutes. The problem I was having, well, there were several; but the one I am trying to tackle is avoiding spending 15 hours doing one particular thing on a given day, at the expense of the rest of the 24 or so projects that I have going.
The trick, I am finding, is to not do something until becoming tired or it, both literally and figuratively -to stop an activity and switch to another while still engrossed in the former.
This could be, for example, marking my place in a book I'm reading, despite being dying to find out what happens next; and saving the book as something to look forward to the next day. The alternative would be to decide to devote the whole day to reading the whole book, while the kitchen goes uncleaned, the trash not taken out, no laundry done, etc.
I'm listening to medieval music, but resisting the urge to load 15 hours of it into my player and survey a few centuries of it "in one sitting."
I've put a few pieces in the jigsaw puzzle, resisting the temptation to spend the whole morning on that (I've gotten the thing about 75% done, and that is when the pieces become easier to fit, on kind of an exponential curve) and finish the thing by about noon.
But, then I wouldn't have washed a few shirts, washed up and shaved, cleaned the kitchen, taken the trash can out to empty it and give it a good scrubbing with Comet™ and a toilet brush, etc.
This is how things can pile up and become overwhelming, adding stress to life. It's funny how Jordan Peterson's #1 rule (out of 12) for life is to get up and make your bed every morning. He advises to only compare yourself to the way you were the day before, rather than the way someone else is. Make incremental improvements and solidify them into a routine.
That also brings to mind my old friend and traveling mate, Howard, whom I used to chide for being so set in his ways and even had a song about him that started:
Up at six o' clock he dons his socks and off he walks;
in a stupor
Coffee and the morning news, then off to the Jack-In-The-Box
to use the pooper.
Yeah, It's Howard's morning routine...Howards morning routine
Well, I've gotten in an hour of medieval music...

I guess it's time to shut that off and leave myself hanging, as far as what came out in the next century...
I suppose I can say that I've gotten my hour of blogging in, too. And it's not even 10:30 a.m. Maybe I can become productive, yet.
Next comes 35 minutes of Wim Hof breathing exercises, then off to the Winn Dixie, where I might seek out their "hiring manager" to talk about this Great Labor Shortage that we are supposedly in, and see if I can get hired there. That wouldn't be the end of busking, but it might be the end of busking for cat food and toilet paper...
Howard's Morning Routine; one of my favorite songs you used to do in downtown Baton Rouge!; this is Kirk, btw