Monday, February 20, 2023

You Are Not Here, Again


So, yeah; I guess I was testing the algorithm to see if it still shadow banned blogs upon which appear items that contradict "the mainstream narrative."
Funny word, narrative; it seems to mean a lie which is more than one false statement, sort of a short story, the upshot of which is a falsehood...

I wonder why Google doesn't just go as far as removing blogs from existence, behind the hackneyed concept of  "spreading misinformation." Maybe that would bring about too much backlash from cancelled bloggers and draw attention to what the algorithm is really up to. Maybe they want the blogger to remain visible to themselves, so as to spy on the author; to see who he is meeting on the street who might become a reader, this marking them as being of similar mind to the heretic; perhaps flagging them for shadow banning, through association.

I wouldn't be surprised if Alex Carter's entire body of Amazon reviews, which were cancelled with the explanation that there has been "suspicious activity" on his account, weren't done so with the "suspicious activity" being more specifically that "he has read the Street Musician Daniel blog." Therefore, he might be against having some chip implanted in his body so all his activity can be tracked in real time by, not by the U.S. government, but an overarching global governing body similar to the Chinese Communist Party, headed by the likes of a Bill Gates. An identifier which will be linked to his bank account so that his red meat purchases can be phased out over time, and he will be unable to buy a gas powered car in the near future, type of thing.

He can't be a woke Californian who gives fist pumps to BLM rioters, and supports Gavin Newsome's bid to become the next POTUS, so he can work towards making the whole country more like California -a Nation of Zombies. It doesn't seem that he is a good "do bee" who pays his taxes, is clean cut, and triple boosted (with recurring headaches to prove it). Not if he reads the Street Musician Daniel blog, type of thing...

So, I guess I'm back to having nobody notified when I post here and this blog on page 8 of any Google search results. That's OK, I can use the time off radar to hone my blogging skills so that, after my 90 day shadow banning is over, a new audience might form.

Either that, or the censorious algorithm might be exposed as being under the control of a woke few and a push made to have the quasi monopoly of Google dissolved.

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