Friday, June 23, 2023

Reminder To Self Re: Wish List

 Since a phone these days is like the oxygen pack that astronauts used to never leave earth without; I have my sights set on getting a replacement for the battery in my phone which lasts about 20 seconds off a full charge (and is swollen as if the stuff inside it has expanded).
This would give me an important tool, should I decide to take a journey during July to busk my way up to Massachusetts to visit friends and family (at some point "while they are still alive" will need to be appended to that intention).
Elizabet, the semi-deaf woman who lives in Building C, said she would take care of Harold for a few weeks or, alternately, offered to get me a pet carrier so I could tote him along with me.
I tend to shy away from the latter option as, Harold is really not the best company as a pet. He only meows when he wants something, and is just as likely to scratch and claw his way out of my grasp at the sight of a nearby dog or should there be a sudden loud noise.

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