Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sorry For The Story

For a brief period,

one of the stories that I have scheduled to self publish after my death had actually  become published.
When I first got the idea to use the scheduling feature so that my blog is going to continue to spit out content well into the 80th century, I started working on this certain post about having a religious experience in and of and around a Grateful Dead concert, and I scheduled it like 10 years ahead.
I guess this is because I thought that, I don't know I could already be dead. Plus, the stuff that's going to publish in the year 6666, for example, I had more trouble thinking about what the folks were going to dig, in that age.
Anyways I am half done writing that story so I took it down because it has blatant errors which, while ironically making it a work of fine art like the e.e. cummings guy's forsaking of capital letters....
I want to at least read it for the first time in ten years to see a lot of things like, should I be glad I reverted it to draft?
There are glaring errors worse than just everything being in lower case; and I might have confessed to a crime about 5,000 words in; I don't know, I saved it 10 years ago; so far into the future that I might be dead when the living get a notification that: Daniel just dropped a new story.
I think I'm going to have a huge cult following in the year 5555, say./ People will speculate for centuries about what the next post is going to be about. I will let humanity know the date that the next one is due to drop. It will be up to them to reference the word "drop," if it is out of common usage by then....
I might start posting more, here. It's just irritating to think that people who hate me read this blog looking to fuel their hatred even more. How to explain sarcasm to an "unknown" commenter...?

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