Monday, September 30, 2024

Too Nice Out Here To Hold A Grudge

I went out around noon Sunday, like I usually do, except this time I brought along a heavy stick made of carved redwood, that was given to me by David the water jug player before he passed away, for use as a self-defense weapon.
That's because Steven stole my two towels plus my laundry card (and tried to steal the coffee filter, which I caught him in the act of, capturing the whole exchange on an audio recording that I was making with my microphone and guitar at the point I decided I wanted a cup of coffee and discovered that the filter was nowhere to be found.
Arriving home, I went to Elizabeth's to see if she wanted me to empty her kitty litter boxes and tote the three bags "full of it" to the dumpster.
But Elizabeth's hip was bothering her and her balance was off and so she didn't even want to assist in the procedure, so we put it off until today.
Then I went to the store and got one strong  beer, and returned to watch more football, followed by the videos that I had put on my stick in the computer lab.
 The "government" phones have stopped supplying data to the masses of low income people -one month short of the election, go figure ...
It's apparent that they don't want "the American people" to be enlightened by any news source outside of the state controlled propaganda outlets that most people see all day, every day...
Government phones have a small amount of data alloted to them, and after that runs out in a week or so, they'll only be useful for making phone calls and texting.
They will have no idea about any "stolen election" or anything else, for that matter, such as planned protests, marches or God forbid, storming any capitols....
I did not encounter Steven which is probably good because I don't know if I could have held back from cracking his skull with the stick over two towels and a laundry card...
So here it is Monday.
I felt pretty good after waking up at 10:00 in the morning having only had a huge cake to eat the night before made with three eggs and a cake mix that I stole from JR's vacated apartment.
While I call out Stephen for stealing from me. In my case, jr's food and his bag of pipe tobacco are going to be no good a year from now when he gets out of jail for aggravated assault -the same thing I was thinking about doing to Stephen.

A 206 was left unlocked by the police when they arrested Jr, on a charge that may have him gone for at least 6 months according to what those in the know have said.
I'm thinking of taking his guitars and bass for safekeeping, which dovetails into what Jacob is doing for the guy named Isaiah, while Isaiah is in jail. There has seemed to be 2 of everything in my life, since I started noticing it.

So it is back to the computer lab to load all kinds of News sports and information videos on to the stick along with maybe another Bob Dylan album and maybe one of the Beatles first couple albums since that would provide a convenient way for me to study the composition of music using just two guitars, bass and drums -something that came to be known as "a beatle band" by musicians.
It just crossed my mind to take a towel from jr's place... that way I can just let go of the grudge against Stephen and not wind up in jail, and then homeless like them, the way Satan seems to be trying to orchestrate.

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