Monday, February 17, 2025

Safe To Emerge

Keeping a blog might be easier if and when I get some fancy phone that will allow me to post stuff on the go, by speaking into it and including photos and videos...

And living a life interesting enough to blog about, of course...

Friday, January 17, 2025

But, For How Long?

Gah, I just googled "at what temperature should a whole hen be baked?" 
Then I came over to the couch and plugged my full sized keyboard into the phone using an, up to now handy adapter...
It's pecking away one finger tap at a time, for me.
The Lenovo Thinkpad that hung in there for like 9 years, the last 4 of which without ever being turned off, has finally crapped out with, I believe, a power supply issue being the straw that broke the back of an already burdened camel.
It fails before even loading the operating system, which rules out everything else but the power supply, in my opinion (forged through about 2 years of working as a "computer" technician).
It's kinda like if you were given the task of finding one thing that might be making a certain place uninhabitable.
Then you show up there, and flip the light switch on, ready to have a good look around; but the lights don't go on...
Problem diagnosed in milliseconds...
So my brainstorm is to buy a "brand new" refurbished Thinkpad, and just pop the hard drive out of the old one into it, turn it on and resume computing as if nothing happened....
Except, if I can find one with 16 gigs of ram (up from the 4 that I'm used to) and one that is reduced in price because it's missing a hard drive, well, that is what I give God thanks for -just for creating the possibility that such a machine might be found....

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Music For Dwelling

I can speakAbove: As a sophomore...
stuff in here but I cannot type stuff in here. Plugging my full sized keyboard into the phone isn't working, but I can speak the blog post in. 
I've been practicing the guitar out of several method books, recently, having had a miniature eureka(!) moment, of sorts, after which I started to watch television and practice at the same time. There is an absolute benefit to being able to pay attention to an external stimuli, like a TV show about true crimes, and to be practicing the material simultaneously. It totally disengages the two orbs of the brain from each other; in my opinion; as much of a brain surgeon as I am.
It was Nuno Bettencourt, I think, who was talking about some extremely (excuse the pun) difficult riff that he said took him "3 movies" to learn because, yes; he would just mechanically repeat the phrase, taking it in different sized chunks, throughout the duration of, in this example, 5 hours of motion pictures...
Above: How much do I love the clock on my wall? Enough to have made replicate earrings, so I can take it everywhere I go!!

I am like a musician reborn, having been able, with considerable effort, throw a binary switch in my brain and practice like Nuno.
I might add to this post if I can solve the keyboard dilemma...
I think I've had this issue before and I have solved it by bringing up the blogger interface through the Chrome browser and not through the app which is the blogger app but which does not allow me to plug a huge keyboard into the phone through an adapter and type away but if I visit the site using Chrome...

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Unpacking The Attack

There, on my “antenna” TV, after I’d pressed the red button on the remote Thursday night, appeared a telecast emanating from the St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Jackson Square.

It was a “multi-faith” memorial type service, in observation of the 14 people killed in the “terrorist attack,” on Bourbon Street the other night. 

OK, about 4 things to unpack here…🫠

Cynicism Rising In My Throat

 I found myself initially cynical, especially upon seeing acting president Joe Biden, and his wife, Doctor Jill, seated in the very first pew.

 I was praying that the event wasn’t going to be “politicized” more than could be helped by the parties involved.

I was prepared to cringe. 

It seems that "the narrative,” was to revolve around the “terrorist attack” aspect of it.

The mainstream media seemed to have ordered all their useful idiots to “make sure you drill down on the ‘terrorist attack’ thing."

I think this is because, in the near future, there will be a push for no more human piloted vehicles. For the protection of all, only self driven electric vehicles, please...

There will be an uptick in this kind of "terrorism" and the experts will designate cars as dangerous weapons, when driven by humans. They are unpredictable by nature.

There is no way to forsee, nor control, the actions of any one crazy individual behind a wheel.

We have seen what can, and will, happen if people are allowed to drive vehicles. 

Just as I suspect that the “pandemic” of a couple years ago (when the regular “winter flu” inexplicably took the year off) had, as one of its aims, the dealing of a financial blow to the oil and gas billionaires. 

Their puppet in Washington immediately shut down the Keystone pipeline...

The lock down had the effect of taking almost every car off the roads, world-wide. 

All kinds of money was funneled from the treasurie to the reimburse the pharma companies for all the “free” vaccines that the ignorant masses were scared, or threatened into putting in their bodies. But I'm digressing...

“Domestic terrorist attack” was, I guess, the best spin they could come up with on such short notice. This seemed to be the act of one deranged individual who didn’t seem to be concerned about ramming his vehicle into people of color, or even fellow Muslims; he seemed to be just focusing upon the highest body count.

There perhaps, isn’t much political capital in a story about a member of an oppressed (i.e. non white) group flying an ISIS flag, attacking random people…

Like Popeye, Americans will reach the point where that’s all we can stand and we can’t stands no more; then some kind of war will "reluctantly" be declared; please remit 118 billion dollars, Mr. and Mrs. taxpayer, as the first installment...

To the Biden’s immediate right was the governor of Louisiana, and his blond haired wife, who looked very much to be posing for the cameras, and who kept a kind of half smile frozen on her face the whole time, as if that was a "future first wife" expression that she has practiced in a mirror.

She present herself as "the pretty, charming and loyal wife to a governor," (who happened to be on national and worldwide TV. 

But I couldn’t help thinking it a bit “tone-deaf” to be smiling at a funeral...

It was a chance to be seen by a huge audience, while Joe pointed out from the podium that, like New Orleans, America itself is going to rebound from this. 

When can we go to war with Iran? We can't stands no more!

Those seem to be the 2 talking points that the corporate owned media were drilling down on: it was a terrorist attack; and how much more can we stands? 


I flipped through the channels to discover that it was on “all 3” channels. 

I kept reaching for a mouse; to back the video up a few seconds to see something again, like Gayle Benson, the billionaire who owns the city's two major sports teams, making her entrance. What a beautiful lady, still gorgeous at like 78 years old...

Then I thought about who the “target” audience was for this free, rabbit ear accessible television broadcast -with every advertisement being for some drug.

One for an eczema "cure" was aired. I think one of it’s possible side effects was “suicidal thoughts,” in some context. It’s like, if you are in such deep despair that you can’t even see any point, to even calling your doctor because everything has lost its meaning to you; be sure to call your doctor!..type of thing…

It is the crowd old enough to remember the first moon landing that is the target. 

I was shaken out of my sleep when I was 6 years old, at about 3:30 in the morning, on a July night, I believe it was, by my dad; and shuttled to the living room to watch what I thought were a couple scuba divers. I remember the moon landing.  I can’t Google that right now because my government phone has run out of data because the “Affordable Connectivity Plan (?) was cancelled.

Assurance Wireless blamed it on the U.S. Congress.

I was really hoping that, through ineptitude or corruption, the plan would continue to operate.

How much does it actually cost to give people unlimited data, rather than cutting them off at 4 gigabytes? They have to have a certain bit set to a one on their server, and not toggle it to zero once 4 gigabytes have been streamed to the account.

Unlimited data...

I would fall asleep watching something, and then 9 hours later wake up and it would have auto-played to a grainy black and white documentary on how they build nuclear submarines, or something.

Though, it would usually be pretty darned interesting.

The cynic in me wonders if the phones just became unnecessary as tools for “nudging” elections in one particular direction, as the probability of of a Trump victory loomed larger day by day.

The plan might have originally been to cheat and win the election, and then pull the plug on the unlimited data, to keep the population somewhat muzzled; as the program ended about a month before the elections. I know I was plumb out of data by then, and couldn’t have organized a Capitol riot even if I'd wanted to...

99% of probable voters had already fallen into one camp or the other. 

The nation had already been divided into two basic groups. There was probably a strong correlation between the amount of people who looked at political stuff on their phones, and the amount that actually got out and voted. 

With each group getting radically different “news” each day.

It was a “terrorist attack,” and It appeared to me that the governor’s wife was the “central casting” governor’s wife, sitting quietly by his side “in support” of the guy who was in the front pew right next to the president; unassuming; and just a sweet, charming lady about 20 years his junior, and with a pleasant half smile apparently as her natural expression.

It was hard not to wonder if she in fact couldn’t help smiling, from giddiness over being sandwiched between so much power. 

I was wondering things like that less than a minute into watching, and like, is that what attracted this pretty youngish woman to the governor; power? And then I noted that Biden’s wife was sitting to his right, putting Joe right on the aisle and physically as close to the front as one could be; he was at the front of the front pew. The same seat in the opposite aisle was vacant. I wondered if that was because anyone sitting there would be tied with Joe for the best possible seat in the house. 

Then, I saw Gayle Benson, perhaps the wealthiest person in Louisiana, slowly walking up the main aisle to apparently her spot in the church, where she took her place among a couple pews worth of what looked like professional athletes (probably not local folks who decided to wear their Saints and Pelicans shirts to the mass and were there early enough to find a seat 5 pews behind the president of the United States. 

I thought it ironic that the ushers would probably make me remove my hat if I went to that church, and would look askance at anyone showing up on a Sunday wearing a football or basketball shirt; but yet, here were a couple rows of people dressed such. I suppose it’s OK if you’re an actual player, and if the still gorgeous at the age of 78, billionaire owner of the team is there with you. Gayle’s the one who bought them their uniforms, after all… 

That seemed about right, the 5th row for professional sports, in the microcosm of New Orleans that the cathedral seemed to have become; with the one possible inaccuracy religious faith being the main event, with the bishop front and center. 

There were representatives from about 15 different “faiths” up on the altar. 

Then the black haired lady who sings at that cathedral sang; and it was so beautiful I had tears in my eyes and could almost believe that being in the view of millions of people world-wide and singing in the presence of the president (of the Saints and the Pelicans, Gayle Benson) and everyone else, mattered very little to that lady, whom I had seen a few times on Sunday mornings when I had turned the antenna TV on still too early for football. But she had never brought tears to my eyes. But, with the eyes of the world upon her, she was radiant with something that made the governor’s wife’s half smile appear even more pasted on. That went a long way to dispel my cynicism, at least on a certain level.

 I still had a morbid curiosity surrounding Biden’s ability to take the podium and not erase any doubt that his stepping out of power was premature.Was Joe going to get up there and mumble something unintelligible except for snippets, here and there that you could make out, praising “the brave troops who stormed these beaches” fifty years ago?

Friday, December 20, 2024

A Whacky Farce

A tumultuous Wednesday started.

I decided I was going to try to avoid meeting Lilly to get the macha cookies that one of her girls had made. And the strawberry vanilla ones, I think it was.

I hadn't slept all night, afraid I would drift off in the wee hours and oversleep my chance to go see Smokey Greenwell about a new harmonica.

I hadn't been that hungry Tuesday.

In fact, I looked at the entire chicken that I baked and only picked off of a little bit, sitting there in my fridge and thought it was going to go to waste, so not in the mood for eating I had been.

Why did I go and bake a whole bird? I thought. 

But, here, almost a day later I am salivating over the idea of a refrigerated chicken that was baked 2 days earlier. With salt, pepper, mustard, and some hot sauce; and a knife and fork...

I was  up when the sun, as previously stated, and planned on getting an all day pass, so I could make a trip to get a new harmonica and then still have a trip to the grocery store and back in my back pocket. I just hadn't factored in being up all night, in an attempt to be out and about in the late morning.

I thought of the French Market where Smokey Greenwell, who played with the band “War,” used to have a stall and who sold pretty decent harmonicas

He did play with War, although he came along after they had already had their hit song: “Low Rider,” and had most likely spent all the money, and then become fractured because of disagreements over money...

I went to Shell and got a strong bock beer, then started my walk towards Canal Street and the street car lines.

I wasn’t finished the beer when I got to the first stop, and was in fact having a hard time taking more than just small sips, so I walked along the tracks and, finding that I was half way to the quarter at the point that my bock was only half gone, decided to just walk all the way to the Louisiana Music Factory for exercise, and to see what I would find on the ground.

After the 2 mile walk (a dime and a couple blunt roaches) I was indeed rather astonished to see that the music store was dark inside. 

I realized that I was pretty early and could see that they opened at 11. 

But, it was 4 minutes after… 

Then, on the front door that sits in a ways off the road, another sign announced: “Closed Wednesdays.”  I guess I should have taken the slightly anal retentive, to me, precaution of calling the place the previous day just to make sure they hadn’t decided to pull a random day of the week out of their asses and take it off...

In their minds, people can just grab their phones and ask:

“Aliesha, what are the hours of Louisiana Music Factory, and then “closed Wednesdays” in bold red font would alert them.

Though, that wouldn’t have saved me the walk because I would have decided that I had Smokey Greenwell at the French Market as a Plan B.

“That’s alright, I’ll just go see Smokey Greenwell, who played with War, at the French Market..

Well, the rest of the story is a whacky farce. (and hasn't been proof-read)

Smokey had decided to take Wednesday off at the French Market. How can he decide to take the same day off as his huge competitor, the music store down the street, does? I wondered... I asked a young lady who had a table full of lunch boxes if she could find Smokey, perhaps on Facebook, and maybe I could still buy a harmonica from him if I could message him and it turned out that he was nearby or something. A guy formerly of War would likely have at least some kind of Facebook presence, I thought. Even if the cover photo isn’t him posing with the iconic band in 1997. But, I had the misfortune, in my sleep deprived state, to ask her to look up “Stoney” Greenwell, and then was so bemused in wonderment over how a guy who has CDs out could have absolutely no social media presence…

There wasn’t anything close to the white haired bandanna wearing harp player to be found by searching for “Stoney Greenwell.” At the first few stalls where I inquired after my friend “stoney,” I was starting to get the sense that the guy had made of himself some sort of pariah around there, judging by the way they dismissively said “No!” as if they not only hadn’t seen my friend and furthermore didn’t want anything to do with him. They thought I was looking to buy weed and was using coded language. Finally, by a guy who had a large table full of tee shirts and sweatshirts (all folded so that whatever was emblazoned on the fronts of them wasn’t visible, I remarked to myself) I was corrected upon Mr. Greenwell’s first name. I just resolved to come back the next day, which is today… Of course the music store down the street will also be open and they do carry a nice “Blues Bender,” by Hohner… Then I went into a head shop type place on Decatur. They were talking about the impending ban on the THC drinks that, to me are better than pot in the way nicotine vapes are better than cigarettes. While not taking smoke (tar, gasses to include carbon monoxide) into the lungs, but are getting the “active ingredient” in a more ergonomic way, in my opinion. After that, I just wanted to make a beeline for my bed or my couch, which I accomplished by about 2 in the afternoon. I was soon asleep and having confused dreams, but was up at 6 this morning and grateful to be on a more “normal” sleep schedule.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Lot of Stream of Consciousness

This will, I guess be the first blog post that I write in my room and will then take on a thumb drive to the computer room.

I went through my 4 gigabytes of monthly data in something like 3 days. This happened through the streaming of videos. 

I don’t know what kind of viruses or malware or spyware is on the Android government issued “Obama” phone I have. 

I’m pretty sure the program was started, not because "it’s a basic human right to have the ability to call 911 in an emergency," as per the original rationale claimed by the Obama government, but as a way to keep track of people. More accurate than going door to door to take a census, since about 18% of the population has no door to knock on, unless tent flaps count as doors…

And, they are propaganda tools. The Google search engine is the default, with its bias baked in, and its algorithms that function something like in that movie: Clockwork Orange. In that movie, subjects were shown a series of video images and their reactions to them monitored. I think the upshot of that was that it could be determined what exactly the subject fears the most out of all their fears; and that somehow played into the plot. 

The Google algorithm was doing the same thing. 

By 2020 it had become possible for someone to tell some Joe at Google: “Deliver me this election!” and, by golly, notwithstanding any kind of tampering with ballots and harvesting, it came to pass that in about half of the population, an abject hatred of the Trump candidate was fomented. 

That turned out to be like taking candy from a baby; shocking how easily beliefs can be manipulated. Nothing else mattered, as long as everybody was doing the “I hate Trump” dance (and, if you don't, then I hate you too).

Just let the algorithm do its work; there will be people ready to murder those who refuse to take a certain experimental medication that hadn’t been properly subjected to clinical trials, etc… Now, the Affordable Connectivity Program has ended (but I thought it was a basic human right to have access to 911…?) 

Now, I'm in search of some unlimited data plan so I can have the internet in my apartment. Being still, at this point, an aspiring artist, It's just the cost of doing business in 2025. I’m thinking that a better phone would also be a better video camera, a better sound recorder, and it will not be blacklisted by the same algorithm I’ve been going on about. 

Somewhere, some bit is set to a zero instead of a one, which marks me as a person to be suppressed; my ideas should not be allowed to proliferate. Joe doesn’t benefit from me… And a new phone number would decouple me from every instance where the old number has been flagged with: “anti-vaxer, election denier, climate hoax skeptic.." Suppress his content; limit his visibility, hide him from search results, exile this guy!” 

Get a new phone, become a new person, in 2025…. So, where was I? 

There were these people (“Mexicans,” we called them) in St. Augustine back around 2009 who rode bikes and seemed to all have day jobs in construction, and were paid in cash. They could be seen breaking one hundred dollar bills at all the convenience stores, to buy typically an 8 pack of Ramen noodles, a 6 pack of Corona beer and an international phone card -never cigarettes or lottery tickets- and maybe something like diapers or laundry soap (although it was usually the females who took care of household items -clothes for kids, Lysol of course, and laundry supplies -to include fabric softeners, bleaches; dryer sheets; the whole nine yards.) 

Karrie, my “Mexican” girlfriend used to wake up a little before the sun came up, and leave our tent for the deep woods. The sound of breaking sticks off in the distance seemed to put me into a deeper, more relaxing, sleep; secure that I was in the knowledge of having Karrie. The sleep I got out there was actually pleasurable. Waking up with the sun shining on the tent, seeing the shadows of anoles crawling on it; and with a whole 14 hour day ahead that didn’t have to begin until I was good and rested totally restored. 

I would have likewise started the previous day with caffeine, then busked somewhere for the “morning people,” then probably taken a break to move to a different “night” spot, where the first alcoholic drink would be consumed shortly after the sun went down. I find it hard, now, to believe I felt so well all the time given that I drank stuff like “Hurricane” malt liquor -the kind of flavored “ale” that is boosted up to around the 8% alcohol level by adding grain alcohol. 

Rule of thumb: Avoid beverages that are named after disasters, or things that are dangerous. Colt 45’s, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, the Shlitz bull, and even the "mad dog" of MD40 repute, all too dangerous to drink... I was also into the high fructose corn syrup type of energy drinks, getting my days off to jittery but productive starts. How optimistic I was in 2009. 

Now, my friend Jacob is in jeopardy of losing his house and his car, and it is hitting him really hard, as if it would be the end of the world, and he’s feeling suicidal. I’m trying to somehow convey to him that there is a freedom that comes from not having to spend the first 2 and a half hours of each workday paying for a car that is necessary for getting to work. And not having “broken even” around 6 and a half hours into that same day by having earned rent, utilities and ‘miscellaneous expenses related to owning or renting a house” type expenditures… 

The World According To Joe

I think the low key objection to homeless people stems from their not paying in to The System, the one that has been set up by and for “the owners” of the world. 

Joe owns a business that employs 500 people. He also owns a tenement building where they all live and about 30% of what Joe pays them comes back to him in the form of rent payments. Maybe there is a cafeteria at work where employees can buy their lunch from Joe. Maybe Joe owns a used car lot, where an employee can get a special deal on a car, so she can get to work and back. She can pay in installments, with an 8% interest rate being charged on the outstanding balance, type of thing. Through the Bank of Joe, of course.. 

So, given that the police basically work for the Joe’s of the world, it isn’t surprising that often officers who are doing a “sweep” of the homeless, in areas where a bunch of Joe’s are expected to arrive for a homecoming college football game, will cop an attitude (excuse the pun) and say things like: “You don’t pay taxes!” derisively as they bag up the persons possessions for disposal. “You just sit there and play your guitar, hoping that someone is going to come along and give you money, you disgust me!!” It’s really because the cop’s boss, Joe, is not benefiting from the arrangement, which means it sets a bad precedent for anyone else who might consider unyoking themselves from Joe’s team. The cop probably isn’t even cognizant of why this is his attitude. 

There are lots of people who are unconsciously doing the bidding of the Joe’s of the world. As long as the cop goes on duty with the “right” attitude towards “them,” and is helping to preserve the “stigma” attached to all the “get a job!!” homeless people, then he is a useful idiot. 

In 2009, it was possible to live like a king as a homeless busker. Karrie and I were homeless in a pretty posh section of Jacksonville

The land that we camped on was designated as either “protected wetlands,” or a “bird sanctuary,” depending upon which map you looked at. The lands were not wet at all, but more like a hardwood forest. And while there were plenty of birds taking sanctuary there (including a grey owl with wings about 4 feet across) this designation was most likely an attempt to keep anyone from bulldozing the hardwoods and building houses there. The people who lived at the end of cul-de-sacs all around the perimeter of the protected wetlands had nothing but privacy behind their houses, in the form of about a mile of woods. About a half mile in the forest was bisected by a lazy river that was about 20 feet wide for most of its length, and this offered more insulation against anyone deciding to hike their way through the woods to see where it might lead. One would want to have hip boots to cross that river that had all the signs of being a water moccasin sanctuary.

It was very much a white part of Jacksonville. Across the river, there was poverty, mostly white people in trailer parks. You could do pretty well living cheaply in a trailer and, through the magic of a car, be able drive across the 3.7 mile Buckman Bridge to get to where the wages were higher, and it was safer. People had birdbaths in their front yards that they might have paid a couple hundred buck for, which were still there when the sun came up. And so, as homeless people, we were able to sleep out of sight, where even the fires we built couldn’t be seen by civilization. The sound of breaking branches at 4:30 a.m. were pretty much inaudible to the public. 

But, coming out onto the clean streets to sit at a picnic table in a trash free grassy area, wearing clean clothes and busking was generally deemed a noble profession by most; one worthy of having spare change thrown in support of it. It seemed that only the business owners of certain ethnic backgrounds were averse to allowing buskers. 

An Algerian guy comes to mind as one who told me to move away from the front of his restaurant. My friend Larry was a short order cook for a while at the place and this guy would whistle for him like a dog when he needed him, and Larry wasn’t allowed to sit at the bar alongside this owner and whatever friends he had hanging out with him. 

Conversely, a Moroccan lady working at a convenience store, upon seeing a guitar on my back said: “Why don’t you sit out front and play and see if you can make any money!” She had taken the words out of my mouth; I was just getting to: “Would you mind if I sat out there, off to the side, and played for a while?” I used to make the rounds of businesses, and it eventually boiled down to see who was working the shift somewhere, whether or not it was ok to busk. 

I used to bring the Moroccan lady things that I would get from diving in a dumpster behind a certain Walgreen’s. Things like bottles of expensive shampoos and conditioners that got leaked on by one of the other bottles in a case that might have fallen off the back of a truck. Or large boxes of Russell Stover candies that had “Happy Valentine’s Day” labeled on them, found by the dozen the day after Valentine’s day. I would be too unassuming to set a price anywhere near what the stuff might be worth to someone. It seemed like half off would be fair, but when dealing with a $30 bottle of shampoo, I couldn’t bring myself to ask of her any more than “just give me 3 bucks,” to which she would usually offer me 20 bucks for the whole lot of it, 5 boxes of Russell Stover chocolates and all. I was happy to be able to give her a great deal in turn for letting me busk. 

About 2 and a half Hurricanes into the busking session, I would start to get sloppy in my playing and would get one more Hurricane for the bike ride home, usually with about 25 pounds of food in a box balanced on my handlebars. 

This would have come from the Winn Dixie dumpster across the street from this same Kangaroo Store. Going in the thing with a flashlight, I would discover about $350 worth of meat that was still cool from being taken out of the meat case a few hours before it was to “expire,” bagged up and thrown in. There was always plenty of produce and cheeses (for Karrie) and even egg cartons with one or two out of 18 eggs broken inside. Yes, cooked lobsters in Saran wrapped Styrofoams with prices like $28.43 on them were occasionally to be found. Every so often a car would drive by the dumpster -there was a pool hall behind the plaza- and every so often, through a rolled down window could be heard someone saying: “Get a job!!” I always wondered if whomever said it was having lobster and fillet mignon burritos that night, too… 

Karrie would return with an armful of sticks about an inch thick, for kindling. That would be my cue to come out of the tent and start the fire. Karrie claimed to not know how to start a fire. She had been burned as an infant, by a step parent who had set the trailer on fire, out in Dalton, Georgia. Her whole back, as well as parts of her arms bore the scar tissue from that episode, the upshot of which being that Karrie had become “disabled,” as a result of disfigurement which put her at a disadvantage as far as being employable. “People don’t want to have a waitress bringing them their food who has these ugly scars all up her arm, it grosses them out,” she once said on that matter. 

The same parents (who probably intentionally burned her in that way) were able to get some kind of power of attorney over her and she claimed that they had kicked her out of the house, but were still receiving her disability checks every month, as if she lived there under their care, type of thing. 

I met a guy in St. Augustine who had said he was from Dalton, Georgia. I told him about my girlfriend from there and, as the conversation turned in whatever direction, mentioned that she had been badly burned, as an infant. The guy said he knew someone else from there who had suffered the same fate.

So, Karrie didn’t know how to start a fire. I did, and would have coffee, along with a large kettle of water that she would have fetched from behind a nearby building, heating up. 

Karrie took this time to remove the blankets from the tent, then spray its floor down with Lysol, then hang the blankets on a clothes line, and spray them too, as they would then be left to "air" out in the daylight. The kettle of hot water was used for washing clothes and dishes.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

It's 3 In The Morning

 And someone left the computer room door open.

I'm really not supposed to be here, so, more later I guess...

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Abba Songs In My.Head Lately

 I may just come here meaning this blog to do my morning papers which are a facet of the artist's way program I guess you would call it based on a book written by Julia Cameron called the artist's way and it came out in the 90s and there are people now who have used it for like 20 years I think even like Neil Young perhaps and it unlocks your creativity I think it just pulls your dream world closer to the reality one or it makes reality more dreamlike but it's supposed to be handwritten in the long form as they call it cursive and three pages every morning as soon as you wake up before you even get out of bed I guess I imagine Julia has a cup of coffee that she brews that she's been doing it for 50 years and she's written several books and the only problem I have is the handwriting thing I think it might be intended to connect the fingers with the brain somehow but I imagine a keyboard would do that also and she wrote the book in the early 90s before everybody was doing everything with their thumbs so I imagine that stream of consciousness output would be better than not getting to the blog at all as the days go by speaking of which I believe there's a mindset that's cultivated by this monthly doling out of money through food stamps and other means I know it's just the government taking money and putting it into the economy because you got to spend your food stamps on food so that has to go into the cash register and pay the cashier and keep the lights on and pay the truck drivers and the Goodyear tire company for putting tires on trucks etc etc and I imagine that food is about 60% of the whole economy groceries as Donald would say Donald who is lining people up against some wall ready to execute them by now if some people are to be believed.

 Anyway, I'm going to hit the send button no proofreading at the mercy of Google translate speech to text.


On the health front, my priorities and those of the new administration are much the same.

I'm going to get some nitrous oxide formula pills, some testosterone boosters, and a brain formula of the mushroom concoction type, or something like that Prevagen that I see advertised on TV as a memory booster. It sharpens people's focus at least although the funny thing is they say it takes 90 days or something to realize results.

That makes me a little bit suspicious, because they can pretty much sucker people into buying the 90 days worth of their pills, and make a pretty penny on the transaction, and then the person probably isn't going to want their money back... They  probably will have noticed some improvement in their memory; but that could be due to the reason why they took Prevagen in the first place, because they are actively trying to improve their health, so, that type of person is probably going to see some kind of improvement over time, due to all the other things they are about.

Somehow, Prevagen has escaped the censorship of big pharma it is sold over the counter and I think it's probably made by pharma and so somehow they cut the doctor's out of the equation does not have to be prescribed and I think we all know what a racket the prescription game is turning out to be...

But, I'm rambling, because I'm using speech to text...

I might try to write Julia Cameron, to ask her if it negates the benefits of the morning papers to do them using a keyboard, and not in long hand....

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Disappearing Treasury Checks And The Script

40 days and 40 nights after the passing of  my 62nd birthday, the egg from social security was laid in my mailbox. They had made it sound like I really must open a bank account so the thing could be electronically delivered, as per law, even. But there it was; a paper check,

It was almost an incidental occurrence, and I soon forgot about the thing, and was back to work on whatever, probably my Python script* and staying up most of the night.

The Python script is going to learn me a few Python skills (does one even aspire towards landing a coding job that starts at $90K a year these days?) in the process of developing a tool for formatting this blog.

Each paragraph will have its first three words enlarged. If I get really ambitious the first letter will be a fancy gilded old school style letter that looks like it should be engraved in marble...

 ow awesome will that be?

The dictionary

*The script will also produce a dictionary, the Dictionary of Daniel, if you will, which will be a book of every word that I have ever written (as far as a sample of 38 gigabytes of blog posts going back to 2006 can yield). This will also give me a rough idea how many words are in my "vocabulary." Then, the program can compare that against the Harvard Dictionary and make a list of words in it that I have never written here, and suggest a random one as the "word of the day" -a word I have never used that I could then try to sneak into my writing so as to augment my vocabulary with one more word... But I let the check sit there for a day and then, on the morning of Thursday, I set out to the Bank's Meat Market, where I was told to come back at 9 o'clock, when the check cashing guy would be there. I went home and promptly "lost" the check. 

Waiting For Banks To Open

What I could piece together, later, was that I came home and removed the black jacket that I had been wearing in the living room, leaving it on a chair. It would have felt hot in the apartment after walking almost a mile. I then wound up taking off the shirt that had the check in its front pocket in the next room, where I laid it on top of an olive green jacket that I often wear in combination with this particular shirt. It's one of the few outifits that allow me to wear my brown hat. I had worn that combination the day before going to Banks Meat Market, I later recalled. After hanging out a few hours waiting for Banks to open, I checked the front pocket of the shirt, finding that the check wasn't in it. I then went through the jacket, thinking I might have switched it from the shirt to the jacket after taking it out at Banks Meat Market. It just wasn't there. I thought about the ridiculousness of a check falling out of the front pocket of a woolen shirt just from walking less than a mile... I concluded: "I'll be darned, the thing just disappeared..."

I thought of disappearing checks being issued by the treasury that would work something like disappearing ink, they would be there when you took them out of the envelope, but once they hit oxygen they would gradually disintegrate. Then, they could make people jump through hoops to get another one issued; ultimately saving to government money... I was ready to call the number listed for the treasury and hold for however long necessary... 

Then I just cast the problem to my subconcsious..... and let it sort things out. 

I think the train of thought started with hats. I remembered wearing the black hat with the silver ornaments on it, because someone had complemented me on it. It might have been a facetious compliment, I recalled. Then that made me think that I wouldn't have worn the olive green jacket with that hat. I then went and found the check in the inside front pocket of m black jacket.

Health Is My Wish

I certainly want to get a brand new "Special 20" harmonica; probably in the key of C major.

But, in the first place, I think a trip to GNC for some of the super food powder and the nitrous oxide boosting stuff that was a staple for me, back in 1998, would be in order.

First you have to be of sound mind and body to even want to move forward in the first place.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Just Biding Mine, And Everyone Else's Time

 I've got my schedule chopped into more equal and diverse pieces these days...

Have been binge watching true crime stuff on true crime TV lately, but when not absorbed in that, have gotten back to work on brushing up on skills such as making animations, cartoons and making sure to practice the guitar for at least a time equal to that spent on what will be the optics to with whatever music...

I want to get some artistic charcoal and do another big face to put in my front window. There is something slightly pathetic about having the same faces hanging in windows for years... 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Billion Dollar Pillow Fight

 I stopped by the bar on my back from the store where I was like 66 cents short of getting a 50 milligram THC drink. I was going back home to grab the change off the cabinet top that the turntable sits on.

There was a crowd outside the bar watching none other than the Tyson fight that a less lazy blogger would put a link to right here...
Anyways, I found some copious roaches abandoned in ashtrays, after learning from one guy sitting there watching that nobody had really gotten hit yet. It was the 5th round...
At the store run by Israeli's, or the Shell, as it is advertised, I learned that the particular gloves used during this officially sanctioned fight were, to the person who may have never boxed, but has battled siblings with stuffed animals while bouncing on beds, "more like pillows," according to my source...

Anyways; gotta ease back into blogging gradually, happy Saturday, and may the college football match ups intrigue thee...

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Supposedly We Are Half Animal, And Half Some Manifestation Of Divinity...

Since we are the only animal that commits suicide; would that somehow be related to the divine half of us?

Maybe I will resume blogging here, some day.

I've been wondering, myself, why I just soured on the practice and just stopped -pretty abruptly around a certain time....when the posts stopped coming almost daily and turned into almost monthly.
I think it was the age of censorship and cancel culture and all that, and I might have been wise to have clutched my pearls, rather than casting them out there...

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Messenger Blog

Hey, Jacob, how's it going on this Tuesday after a Monday that was Columbus Day, and thus, more like a Sunday?

I trust that the tracks we laid down Saturday, at the "museum of crap," were adequate compensation for taking that night off from busking, I look forward to hearing that session (end of message).

The Sum
We made something like 44 bucks playing for maybe 2 hours on "Boardwalk," last night.
Boardwalk, in the realm of busking in New Orleans, is the spot right where Rouse's Market on Royal Street sits.

It was most likely available because it was a Monday evening.

Park Place would be a couple blocks down, where the Rib Room, and whatever hotel it is part of, sits, and is where Tanya Huang has first dibs at. She will often pay one of the homeless people the ripe sum of 20 dollars to plant their cardboard right there to sleep, so that, when the sun comes up and people start to stir, they can hold the spot for her, maybe even by sitting there with some kind of musical instrument from early morning, until she arrived around 11:30 to play from noon until maybe midnight, something that happens from Thursday through Sunday.

Doing the math yields a 48 hours work week for her. though it might hover just above 40, due to her knocking off before midnight on Sundays; because they're Sundays.

I'm pretty sure we knocked off before midnight, it being a Monday like a Sunday...

I been seeing that guy for years walking around with that guitar on his back, but ain't never heard him play the thing...
And, across the street from us was the "I've been listening for 57 years," guy (above).

I could intuit from his body language, after we had arrived to find no other buskers playing, that he was eager to finally hear me play, after 13 years of seeing me going to and fro with a guitar on my back, stopping to listen to Tanya and Dorise, Doreen's Jazz Band, or one of the "old timey" bands like "Yes, Ma'am," that have like a dozen members, on any given occasion, and maybe even a tap dancer. (I always wondered what it must be like to be in such an outfit and, seeing a dollar go in the tip bucket, think: I just made 8 cents!). But, the guy who's been sitting there for 57 years kind of perked up a bit, in anticipation of having a 13 year long curiosity satisfied. He had:..I been seeing that guy for years walking around with that guitar on his back, but ain't never heard him play the thing!.... written all over his face.

Suddenly, I was more nervous over what that guy's impressions were going to be, more so than the fact that we had lucked upon the Boardwalk of the French Quarter being available. He was going to be the measuring stick of whether or not we were "ready for prime time." 

The Sun

The sun was in our faces, but the shadow of the buildings across the street was only about 10 feet from us, and was creeping towards us. 

After starting to play "Ain't No Sunshine," for the guy, and getting the sound kind of balanced and mixed in the process, it was aborted about half way through, partly because I remembered the inherent folly in trying to play something for someone based upon sizing them up. 

One of the highlights of the evening ensued when we did one of my songs called: "The Sun Told Me (everything's gonna be alright)" and 4 one dollar bills went into the case, and then a fresh 10 dollar bill during another McKenna song, perhaps: "Crazy About A Crazy Girl."
I think the tip tally was one twenty, one ten, two fives and 4 ones...
Then arrived Elijah, who had landed on the "go to jail" square when we were playing at the Lilly Pad (St. Charles Place, for trivia's sake) and whose arrest caused enough of a stir that Lilly told me not to play there for "a month, to let things cool down."

He is out on bail, thanks in no small part, to Jacob, who had been the guy's contact on the outside (maybe the only person who had accepted a collect call from "Orleans Parish Prison" from him).

He looked a whole lot better than he had on that night when the police thumped him up against Lilly's shutters, causing her to check her camera to see what the ruckus was, and then causing her oldest daughter to rush out in a full blown panic, thinking that the plain clothed officer involved was a tourist who was beating on me "because he didn't like your music, or something..."

That had been too much drama, and had revealed to "the whole neighborhood," which had stuck its collective head out the collective window, the extent to which Lilly cares about me and wants to protect me. And, due to neighborhood politics that are beyond the scope of this post, and beyond my comprehension, the one month cooling off moratorium on me playing there, was enacted. 

Lilly is in a court battle with a neighbor over the right to the alleyway between their houses. Lilly considered it her property and, at one time, told me that that was where I should play, right in front of the gate to that alley; to mark her territory, in a sense. But after the initial ruling was not in her favor and a judge said that the neighbors could use the alley for things like painting that side of their house, and were thus entitled to their own copy of the key to the gate, Lilly told me to move over a few feet onto her step but no longer right in front of the gate. She felt like she was ceding land to the enemy, I believe.

But, up walked Elijah, looking much better than on that night when he was being accused of being a thief and a crackhead, by a group of people sitting a couple stoops down from us, and then later being arrested for "robbery' and handcuffed up against the house. He had gained about 5 pounds of weight and was no longer shiny with sweat, very nervous and a fiend for everything in sight, asking for one of my cigarettes, was that weed in the rolled up one? Could he have a sip off of whatever we were drinking (kratom tea) etc... 

He apologized to me for the situation with Lilly that had arose when he "went down." It was a chance for me to be vindicated a bit over having come across as kind of a jerk for running him off a few times. Jacob and I are a duo; we've been working on our sound for a couple years. We've never rehearsed anything with you and would thus be just winging it and having a ragged jam session; which is fine when just hanging out somewhere; but we're out here trying to make some money during these 3 short hours...or words to that effect that I would tell him. I'm sure Jacob was wondering what harm could come of letting him join us, and maybe looking at him while rolling his eyes, as if to say: I don't know why he can't be more accepting of people, excuse him for being a boomer, set in his ways and close-minded....I apologize for him... 

Now, at least, Elijah realizes that I wasn't just using Lilly as an excuse to not have to play with other people besides Jacob...

I kept looking over at the guy whose been listening for 57 years, for some kind of indication on Elijah. As he and Jacob talked, I checked to see if the old guy would shake his head or make the finger across the throat gesture. For, if anyone would know that the guy is bad news and to be avoided, it would be that guy. But he gave me no warning glances.

After I came out of Rouses Market with my first beer of the day -a "hazy" IPA of some sort- Elijah was sitting next to Jacob with his guitar out, and asking for "a low 'e'" to tune to. And we were suddenly a trio, without myself having been consulted.

All the conditions were right for me to just let the matter go; there was no Lilly enforcing a 2 musician limit at the spot, the guy had just gotten out of jail and seemed to have cleaned up from whatever mess he was in that had landed him there, the sun had finally sunken behind the buildings across the street putting us in some blessed shade....
I couldn't hear Elijah hardly at all on the other side of Jacob and the amp, which had been placed as far from the mic as possible to eliminate feedback. So I just tried to play my best along with Jacobs bass notes, which I could hear.
Then, of course, a 20 dollar bill went into the case. Was it $10 for Jacob and I, or was it $6.66 for all three of us?

Thankfully, Jacob had broached the subject of tips while I had been in Rouses, with Elijah having said that he didn't want "his share" of the tip jar.

I wound up getting another beer, a Foster's Ale in the "oilcan," and then, as if the penalty for each beer is one more party-crasher, up walked a another musician, who probably lacked the skill to make a living busking on his own corner, but who could certainly blend in with a group (for a share of the tip jar).

He had a story. Doesn't every skeezer have one? He had just had a near death experience, complete with the tunnel of light, and the voice of his his mother telling him to turn around an go back -there are people who need to be skeezed, God has plans for you; your work on earth isn't finished, type of thing....

He was a likeable guy; but I couldn't help wondering what he was even playing, since he was even further away from me than Elijah; and I couldn't help wondering what a Grateful Dead concert would be like if, by the second set there were a half dozen random hippies on various instruments jamming away on Morning Dew, whom Jerry had said: "I see you brought your mandolin (flute, zither, trumpet) come on up and join in; the more the merrier!" to.

I didn't have to be able to hear how the 4 of us sounded. The old man got up and started walking off to somewhere else. I caught up to him around the corner and said: "We ain't no Doreen's Jazz Band, huh?"

He said we were alright but: "Just don't mess with my spot..." That was kind of funny because after we first got there, we had considered setting up there because it was in the shade....