A Job on the Horizon? 
Today, I went to the Nanak's Landscaping place to try to get a job; something that I haven't had since January of 2006. I had run into one of their foremen, in the parking lot of the Taco Bell, near the social security place, a couple of days ago, after obtaining a copy of my social security print-out. I got the print out so that I could look for a job. I saw the guy in his Nanak's truck and approached him and basically asked him if they were hiring. He told me that they were desperately short-handed and they were all working extra long hours because of that situation. So, today, I rode my bike up there. It took about 25 minutes to get there. This is not bad, compared to how long I rode to get to the labor pool in Jacksonville.
The guy handed me an application and told me to bring it back tommorow.
The Ratdog Concert
Last night, the band Ratdog played at the ampitheater. They consist of the surviving members of the Grateful Dead, who's music I specialize in. This would have been a great opportunity for my to make very good money, as, all the people walking past would have been in tune with what I was doing. I am not a phoney; I learned to play, basically, by listening to the Grateful Dead.
However, oblivious to what was going on at the venue and not being privy to it until I read the review on the front page of today's paper; I sat and drank beer with Karrie. She keeps asking me if she is a distraction and is hindering my goals. I keep telling her "No, I choose to be with you; if I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't be."
Now I wonder....
I could have made enough money so that when I start my job at Nanak's, I would be able to weather the waiting period before the first check arrives; all in one night.
Karrie and I
Things are chaotic. Larry is off with his girlfriend in an apartment which she rented. I don't see him on the street, which means that he is most probably not contributing any money. She has kicked him out twice and then changed her mind twice. He has not been seen at the camp. I use his tent to get away from Karrie when she is having her episodes of thrashing about and pushing me into the corner of our tent. Larry's tent is larger and has no thrashers.

Today, I went to the Nanak's Landscaping place to try to get a job; something that I haven't had since January of 2006. I had run into one of their foremen, in the parking lot of the Taco Bell, near the social security place, a couple of days ago, after obtaining a copy of my social security print-out. I got the print out so that I could look for a job. I saw the guy in his Nanak's truck and approached him and basically asked him if they were hiring. He told me that they were desperately short-handed and they were all working extra long hours because of that situation. So, today, I rode my bike up there. It took about 25 minutes to get there. This is not bad, compared to how long I rode to get to the labor pool in Jacksonville.
The guy handed me an application and told me to bring it back tommorow.
The Ratdog Concert

Last night, the band Ratdog played at the ampitheater. They consist of the surviving members of the Grateful Dead, who's music I specialize in. This would have been a great opportunity for my to make very good money, as, all the people walking past would have been in tune with what I was doing. I am not a phoney; I learned to play, basically, by listening to the Grateful Dead.
However, oblivious to what was going on at the venue and not being privy to it until I read the review on the front page of today's paper; I sat and drank beer with Karrie. She keeps asking me if she is a distraction and is hindering my goals. I keep telling her "No, I choose to be with you; if I didn't want to be with you, I wouldn't be."
Now I wonder....
I could have made enough money so that when I start my job at Nanak's, I would be able to weather the waiting period before the first check arrives; all in one night.
Karrie and I

Things are chaotic. Larry is off with his girlfriend in an apartment which she rented. I don't see him on the street, which means that he is most probably not contributing any money. She has kicked him out twice and then changed her mind twice. He has not been seen at the camp. I use his tent to get away from Karrie when she is having her episodes of thrashing about and pushing me into the corner of our tent. Larry's tent is larger and has no thrashers.
I don't have a picture of Karrie, but the one to the right is close enough to what she probably looked like at 11!
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