Since I have had access to this computer. To the left is a picture of a Christmas tree, which is the closest to the way ours looked, when I was growing up as a child, which I could find in a quick "Google," of "Christmas tree." Note that we would have NEVER placed the tree in front of some wall with whatever that is hanging there; we put ours right in the "picture" window in the "living room." (we went there to live.)
I Make Good Money Playing For A Surprisingly Large Group Of Tourists
There were tourists swamping the place on Christmas Eve. I sat and played and had a good night, entertaining myself immensly. I had learned one Christmas Song, and played it repeatedly. It was "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."
I Never considered this a great carol, but on the guitar, it lent itself to just the kind of 'recognizability' that about 55 bucks found their ways into my case, or, if given by those young and spry enough to bend down, pick up the beanbag monkey and place the money under it; under the monkey.
The next night was a blessing, also. Eustus, the steel drum player had fenagled his way into playing right on St. George street, which is normally forbidden by local ordinances. (There is a loophole in the ordinace, whereby a business owner could allow you to play right on his/her private property. This is not the norm because the business owners "stuck together" on the decision to outlaw street musicians on St. George street, and, for an owner to allow one would be to be taking an unpopular stance. Nevertheless, one did, and there was Eustus banging on his steel drum (and making the composers of Christmas carols roll in their graves.)
Eustus was splitting his money with a drummer, and I believe I did just as well as he, playing his other-favorite-spot, and not splitting tips with a drummer. Lot's of money.
There was rainfall on a couple of days, through the holiday, which kind of started on Thursday, with this library closing early, and extended untill today, when the library is now open. On Christmas Day, I called my mother to wish her and all, a happy holiday. (Sometimes a holiday is teetering between happy and sad, and all it needs is a little push to turn it "happy.")
Karrie and I were sitting outside the laundromat while rain fell, trapping us there. I know we would not have been trapped if we had procured simple raingear, but, it doesn't seem to be our style to be thinking about the future. We live in the moment. If it is not raining, then why buy ponchos....makes no sense...
100 Bucks
It was Christmas Day and we were sitting right aside the payphones, and near the laundromat with its change machines. I had about 20 bucks. (I'm within 1/743,375,481,602th of Bill Gates now) and so I got some quarters and called mom. She told me that she had wired 100 bucks to the Western Union, which was right next to the laundromat.
Now I had $120, and went and spent 10 bucks on a special gift for Karrie; a pint of Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey (for the girl who has everything.) I could have gotten her a pair of slippers, but, I foresaw her putting them on and gushing "These slippers make me want some whiskey!" or...maybe a watch from the "dollar" store, but, again, I had a premonition of her putting it on, setting the time, winding it and then saying "Hey, it's time for some whiskey!", so, yeah.
She drank it and then started accusing me of having a relationship with her sister (who is 600 miles away)
I Call My Mom Again
I called my mom, thinking that if God used his rain to force me to choose to sit right next to a payphone, outside a laundromat, where there is a machine which exchanges quarters for dollars, and it is Christmas Day, and there is a girl next to me drawling "You ought to call your mom..."(despite the fact that this was potentially beer money that I was pumping into the phone.)
I called my mom and wished everyone a happy Christmas. Mom said that she had been staying current with this blog, and added that "It's been all about Karrie."
Karrie To Go To Jail For A Possibly Long Time
Karrie is to go to court on Thursday. This might be the last that I see of her for a long time, or, forever.
I have mixed feelings. Like I say, I love her with 50.1% of my heart, and I think I mean that.
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