Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It is Tuesday, and I am broke. Karrie is out in front of the library, flying her sign, whcih reads: Homless, travelling. As the weeks go by, people will begin to question the "travelling" part of the message.

I have my sights set upon Savannah, Georgia, due to conversations that I have had with people, and the fact that, I too will soon have warrants for failure to pay fines...

The Patriots
I wallow in disappointment over the Patriots, having the ball bounce the wrong way, making up for all the times that it has bounced the right way in the past decade.
You just can't count upon anything, anymore.
I need to go out and play, so as to have some money.
Tax People
I talked to the tax people yesterday, and they told me that I needed to renew my ID, expired as it was on my birthday. And, I need to get Nina's Social Security number. Then, I can try to claim my earned income credit, and stimulate the economy.

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