It is Monday morning. I woke up with $14.90.
"Wait, I'll Go With You!"
Savannah (left)
Last night, I cooked fish on the fire, seasoned it with a combination of condiments from Burger King, Taco Bell, and Kangaroo, and ate it, while the night grew dark. I must have been asleep by 9 pm.
I woke up before dawn and was ready to start the day. I figured the first busses out of town might begin to run at around 6:30 am. I was thinking this as I drifted back to sleep and then woke again with the sun up. After cleaning out the tent, packing my pack, brushing my hair etc., it was 10:18 by the time I got to the Kangaroo for a morning energy drink.
"Wait, I'll Go With You!"
Now, I will take the Orange Bus out to the interstate and press my luck further, in hopes of bringing some booty back to Jacksonville. As soon as I have Greyhound money for Savannah, I will go there to prepare a place for myself, and possible Karrie. Waking up alone in a tent can be a bummer, but it sure is easier to "get up and go," when you don't have to have a conference over things, or have to wait after someone say's "Wait, I'll go with you!" I miss Karrie at odd times, like when I smell a clean sheet!
The "Savannah" (right)Savannah (left)
I am back to using a sign which reads: "Thank you 4 Stimulating the Economy" It's kind of a poke at Obama in my mind, but can be taken otherwise..
Any time now could be my last time playing that particular ramp. Then, my options here will be few. I might be able to make a few bucks, hanging coupons for John. We return to Jacksonville next Sunday. Off I go, trying to make a dollar.
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