Now, for some reason, she wants a divorce; and fast.
Her half brother (the one with all the money) has recently died.

I think that he probably left a hefty sum of money for Nina "and her husband", if there should be such a person alive upon the dissolution of this....blah blah blah.....
45 Bucks An Hour!
She probably wants to keep the money, in order to support our 28 year old, unemployed, unemployable son, Michael. Michael "Can't work," no, how could anyone work, when their mother is worth a couple of 'mil' and all the job is paying is 10 bucks per hour?
Michael burns up 45 bucks an hour talking to friends in Russia on the phone. I've seen the bill! I've PAID the bill, after Nina sent the phone company a Money Order and neglected to fill out the "pay to the order of" part, whereupon, the phone company re-billed her for another 650 bucks for that month of Michael talking and laughing and giggling to Russia, and Nina sighed and filled out another Money Order and said something like "These people crazy..."

Michael can't work; just can't....
I would not put it past her. Every piece of mail that I have received at her house has been torn open and then re-sealed. What does this say about the level of trust involved here?
We have two weeks before the divorce becomes final, and I intend to talk to the lawyer involved about the possibilities present. Nina is in a SUPER hurry to get this divorce. I think that there is something going on.
She said that she would give me 500 bucks for my participation.
She gave me 20 bucks the first time that we met. I didn't go out and play because I didn't want to go to jail when I had 480 bucks waiting for me the next day; so I gave up maybe 40 bucks there.
Then, we had to meet again. ; -she gave me 30 bucks and told me to meet her again in a week, when more when more papers had to be signed. She gave me 100 bucks then.

I was going to renew my ID. (20 bucks)
I was going to get new eye glasses (I have been blind for 8 months now) (80 bucks)
I was going to get a big backpack, enough to hold the tent, a sleeping bag etc, for travelling. (90 bucks)
I was going to get an I-pod, so that I could learn current music and bring my act into the 21st century. (40 bucks)
I was going to get a bus ticket out of here, (where I will soon have warrants popping up on cop's screens, (just like Karrie)) and start a new life somewhere. (45 bucks)
I was going to do all of that. I had it all figured out on a scrap of paper, but....
Nina is feeding me the money bit by bit, and I am consuming it on everyday expenses, while, at the same time not playing on the streets for fear of being arrested and missing out on the next "installment," of 100 bucks or so...
So, instead of having my ticket out of here, I face the possibility of being stranded in Jacksonville, with nowhere to play to make money, having consumed the promised 500 bucks just on living expenses and hanging around here for a month, at Nina's beck and call, being fed little by little, enough to keep me here for her purposes.
Nina won't push me.
I've never been angry at her, now that I think of it, which is certainly a testament to her. I don't think she will change, after we are legally divorced.
If I tell her that the bus to Charlottesville is a thousand bucks, she will say something like: "Oh my God,... so expensive!" and then she will peel me off ten crisp Ben Franklins, as if nobody ever worked a day for them
I often used to wonder, had I been avaricious and demanded more and more, if she would have complied, like the good Russian wife, and if I would have been driving around in a Mercedes, like the dumb-ass Russian guys that I see at Starbucks all the time, whose wives families probably have money..
It's good to be the ex husband of a moll!
May your well be indeed bottomless, (and no, I don't want Michael on the weekends!!!!.)
Maybe Michael Can Work
Her mobster half-brother is dead, the whole Russian-mob "family" that came over here in the early 90's, financed by the plundering of the National Treasury in Moscow, or somewhere, where diamonds and gold were stolen and brought to America, (yeah, that heist) well, the key players are all dying now, early if you ask me (average age of 55).
And there is Nina and there is Michael and there is Illoyna (my step-daughter who was shielded from the knowledge that her mom married an American, especially a long-haired guitar playing one) and there is not much else left of the dynasty. Some say that Anastasia survives to this day.

There is something going on.
She is one of the nicest women that I have ever met; (as are most Russian women) and I don't think that it will proceed badly. I hope she has my best interests at heart.
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