Monday Night At The Garage
Went pretty well. I did another original set, with a lot of improvising. A guy told me that I should put one of my songs on U-tube. They bought me a couple of beers. They asked me up to play a second time. I started out in my gray shirt, then changed to the fushia colored one, for the second time up. I got the idea of changing the shirt from Madonna, who changes for every three songs.
The Park Where We Sit A Lot>>
Porsha, another ambulance driver, along with Bubba and Ben, had suggested that a black shirt is good for performing, but mine is stashed far away.
I now know three ambulance drivers, and they are all really cool. They stop sometimes and talk to me at my playing spots. This puts them in the area where someone is most likely to need an ambulance, also.
Bubba and Porsha came by where I was playing on Saturday and gave me a bag of clothes that had been outgrown by Porshas younger brother or someone. There were a bunch of shirts and shorts, and she assured me that they were all "trendy."
I would have to say that Bubba is the coolest ambulance driver, followed by Porsha, and then Ben; in that order; and Bubba didn't ask me to write that.
I went to sleep at the Presbyterian. I woke up and had coffee and breakfast.
Then I mailed the letter to Karrie. I will find out through Doug, the drummer, how she is behaving there, in St. Augustine.
I decided to try a new ramp, in a different part of town. There wasn't much traffic, and I made a buck. I started to head towards the labor pool, where I can now apply, since I have ID.
A Professor Talks To MeI was walking back and a black guy, who is a professor at South Alabama University, talked to me for a while. He asked me about my situation, and wound up concluding that I should go with him to Atmore, Alabama. There is a casino there, and a shelter which is run by people he knows. He said that people like myself needed to "turn things around" when they are ready to. I told him that I would think about it. He gave me a dollar. His name was Paul.
A Black Lady Asks Me OutI took a circuitous route to the library, passing the Save A Lot, where a black lady pulled up in a vehicle and talked to me. She introduced herself as Alice, and asked me the frequently asked "How long have you been playing" question. She said that she played the keyboard. She was heavyset and probably in her 40's. Her vehicle was an older one. She offered to buy me lunch, saying that she has seen me around town. She said she would meet me here at 2pm.
I Get A Gig At A Hotel PoolI was on my way to 15 Place, and a man pulled up in a van, and handed me his card and asked me how much money I would want to play for 2 hours at the pool in his hotel. I said that I was lucky to make 10 bucks an hour on the street here. He offered me 30. That will be Saturday at noon. I must come up with new strings by then. Mine are a week old.
I was here before 2pm., but missed Alice, the black lady; maybe because I was on the second floor, and she didn't see me. Pity. She was going to bring cigarettes, too.
Wednesday (tomorrow) night is the songwriter's open mic night at Serda's Coffee. I have work to do on some material. I can also reuse it at the hotel pool gig.
I'm broke again and in not much of a mood to play tonight. I should get to sleep early, and just listen to the radio and drink spring water, while I fall there.
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