Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nobody There To Be Cheap

Yesterday, I left the library and went to get my stuff, which was stashed at the Save-A-Lot.
I had decided to wash some of my clothes, so that I could wear different ones each day. Come next Sunday, I will probably put on the one's that I had on last Sunday, just to mess with the guy that made a comment about them. I washed three pair of pants, and threw out the ones with the holes in the leg which were too long also.
The "Feel" Of Downtown Mobile, Last Night
The streets were deserted downtown, and I worked on some of my own songs, making the best of the time, but no money. I started to get mad and curse the cheapness of the people, then stopped myself when I realised that nobody was there being cheap. One guy walked by and told me to go to New Orleans.
I wound up spending what little I had on Steel Reserve, which I drank in the park, where I had to fend off beggars, who wanted dollars and cigarettes. I became angry at one point.
I have concluded that quitting smoking and drinking is my only path to peace of mind. Not smoking will reduce the number of friends that I have from almost 40, down to about 5, but I am willing to suffer that consequence.
Now, I am in a self-imposed rehab, brought on by having ruined myself financially.
I am treating the Serda's Open Mic on Wednesday as if it were a real gig, and plan upon preparing for it as such. I want to see how well I can do when I make the effort.

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