Friday, March 25, 2011

Bummer of a Thyme

Sherrelle Gets Me A Capo
I had only had my capo for less than a day when I lost the rubber part, which touches the strings. I was taking it off the neck, when it snapped off, sending the rubber piece into the tall grass, where it is probably still.
But, Sherrelle was going to the music store anyways and she bought me a capo. I used it last night at my spot where I also worked on my latest song.
A guy came by and threw 5 bills in my case. On top was a ten dollar bill, the rest were ones. I played another half hour or so, half expecting him to come back and inform me of the mistake that he made, which he didn't notice until he got all the way to a gas station or something, and found that he was 10 dollars short.
He never came back, and I wound up making a total of less than 20 bucks, with his 14 included.
Something is telling me to move around and play different parts of the country, perhaps following Arts and Crafts Fairs.
I went to Island Thyme for the open mic night. The usual crew was there, none of which even said hello. Elizabeth Elliot appeared to give me a dirty look, and turned away from me. I left without playing. I had the impression that none of them were in the mood for my music...maybe I was visibly drunk and they feared a sloppy performance. I don't know. It was slightly depressing.
They have gone from approaching me and asking me if I am going to play, to ignoring me. Maybe it has something to do with my blog post about the guy with the guitar and the girl with the saw. Everybody seems to love them.

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