Monday, July 18, 2011

Metaphor Of The Day

Joplin, Missouri
Patience In Laptop Search
The laptop, which I saw in the pawn shop and which is in my price range and has the capacity to run audio recording and editing software, is still in the pawn shop. I want to be patient and shop around. I am also leery of becoming too absorbed by the laptop and all its functionality and devoting almost all of my time to having my face in the thing. Wearing the same clothes for days, being dirt poor; being seen from dusk till dawn in the park, pirating a wi-fi signal from a nearby business.
The Trouble With Dribbles.
The weather has been in the news, lately, as the past 4 days have been marred by downpours. These forced me to sit somewhere, just waiting for it to stop. I wasn’t always in a mood during these events to sit and read, do a crossword puzzle, or otherwise, puzzle over the immediate problems in life. Sunday night, I sought refuge at the Church of Christ spot.
I have moved out of the graveyard. The wall is too high, it is too much trouble going over it, especially if carrying a lot of stuff, and the rain of the past 3 nights has ruled out the graveyard as a sensible sleeping spot.
I had oatmeal with peanut butter and jelly, honey and cinnamon, and a dash of salt, last night on the front porch (I’m sure it has a proper name) of the church, half hidden by the massive columns, which hold the place up.
There were two other homeless guys, already asleep on the porch, over in a far corner where there is a cool draft which flows out from under a pair of heavy, wooden doors. I sort of recognized them from the homeless community.
The three of us were woken up by cops at about 3:45 a.m., asked for ID and then told that the “owners” of the church were complaining. I told them that there is one guy who leaves his cardboard behind in the mornings, as if thinking that he no longer has a need for it, or that it will still be there the next night. What is ‘there the next night” is cops with flashlights.
I was told that I am still wanted for the case that I have already been exonerated from, and that I might want to talk to my lawyer about having the warrant removed. This will be a good idea, should I travel in the near future, say, to Joplin, Missouri, for instance.
Jasmine Breaks Down
Saturday night, as I was tuning up the Jasmine on a park bench, I saw a lot of people walking about. I thought that I might have a pretty decent night, money-wise. Unfortunately, one of the tuning machines fell off of the Jasmine, the way a tail pipe will fall off an old Pinto.
I had noticed a wobbliness in the action of that particular machine, but had not attributed it to the thing falling apart and becoming useless, right at the beginning of a Saturday night.
My task at hand is to fix the Jasmine. Even if I go to Joplin, I will want to have the Jasmine with me and in good stead. Yes, I will want to have my Jasmine in Joplin.
The most economical route to go would be to wait until tomorrow or the next day (whichever day the Friendly Pawn shop opens its doors –they take a few days off, each week do those brokers) and go to the Friendly Pawn shop. They may have the right screws and the right screwdriver and would not charge me as much as The Guitar Center might, for the same service. I go soon to wait for the bus to Airport Road and the music store.
Blessed Assurance
Sunday morning, I went to the Dauphin Fellowship at 3:16 Dauphin Street. I got myself a coffee, after washing up some. I went into the altar area and saw none other than John The Street Preacher, whom I haven’t seen in months, occupying one of the seats in the rearmost row. His head was bowed and his eyes closed.
He told me he has been in Jacksonville, Houston, San Antonio, St.Louis, and other places. He said that he has found it very depressing to be in Mobile, and he is leaving in a couple days.
He agreed with me, that this might be the time and season for me to leave Mobile, perhaps for just a while, or maybe longer if I find every place that I roam to be appreciably better than Mobile.
John and I sat out some of the rain while he told me of his travels. He suggested that I go to a place called Joplin, Missouri, a place which was destroyed almost entirely by the tornados, the ones that came the day that I was arrested unjustly.
Where Is Joplin, Missouri?
John The Street Preacher told me that there was a lot of work to be done in Joplin, from labor to more skilled, and for volunteers, as well as mercenaries.
John added that, even the volunteers come out ahead, as there are several groups set up the feed and clothe and shelter and keep the workers clean. He mentioned a whole house full of clothing, free to both the victims and the volunteers.
He also said that there were people doing menial jobs and making pretty good money. I think the figure he threw out was 700 per week.
This could even be supplemented by some street performance, perhaps.
My mission now is to use the bus pass, which I bought off a guy for two cigarettes, and go to the music store. They may be able to sell me the screws for the tuning machine on the Jasmine and let me borrow their screwdriver so I can repair it right there.
I will also look at other guitars, some of which are the same price as my Jasmine was new and sound and play better than it.
I believe they even have the next Jasmine up on the ladder from mine. Maybe I can trade up on Jasmines, until I am playing thier top model, the way my dad was doing with Buicks, back in the late 60's.

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