At the end of two most memorable weeks, but, memorable for the right reasons??? |
I woke up having pangs of longing to see Sue, and actually felt homesick, wanting to walk around the French Quarter, where I would stand more of a chance of augmenting the $4.93 which I had in my pocket, and would just have more fun, period.
The thought of how I had upset Sue, by leaving her cat, Kooky, unguarded weighed heavily upon my heart.
I hope that in the interim before my return to NOLA, that she meets nothing but "pigs" and other unworthies, and that upon my reappearance will be open to my appologies and will join me in blaming what happened on Cobra Malt Liquor.
Safety A Consideration In Taking of Haitus
Waking up Thursday morning at about 7 a.m., early enough so that I was invisible, I grabbed my clothes and sneakers out of the twigs where they hung in front of the hot air vent which I use as a dryer. They were bone-dry.
Waking up Thursday morning at about 7 a.m., early enough so that I was invisible, I grabbed my clothes and sneakers out of the twigs where they hung in front of the hot air vent which I use as a dryer. They were bone-dry.
I walked past the mob of homeless, waiting to be let into the Government Presbyterian Church, to get their two pieces of bread, hardboiled egg, scoop of grits, peaches and cup of coffee.
I have been banished from that holy place, after the incident when they provoked me to use threatening words, by the refusal to give me a bag of chips on a morning when everyone else got one, by the man handing them out; and the ensuing heedlessness which my polite complaint met with from the man scooping out grits, whereupon I snapped him out of his state of inattention by saying "Maybe I'll just shoot him," (referring to the man passing out chips.)
As uncalled for as this comment may have been, it had the desired effect of grabbing the grits scooper's notice, whereupon he regarded me once more, telling me to "leave and don't come back."
He supposedly had no authority to make them fork over a bag of chips, yet, where the rubber meets the road, he had all authority to bar me from ever eating another hard boiled egg at The Coffee Club.
My curing of his deafness was nothing short of miraculous, in my opinion.
I think my comment was no less mature than his taunting of me with his mock indifference, first thing in the morning.
I know I am re-hashing things here (see "I'll Tell You What To Do With That Egg" from about a month ago); to use a culinary metaphor; but I mention it because it serves as a prime example of some of the treatment that I have gotten in Mobile, after my arrest and subsequent exoneration, and shows mostly how some of the "Christians" here act.
Friday (this)morning, at the suggestion of Mike, the other guy who sleeps at the Christ Episcopal Church spot, I re-entered the Presbyterian Church and walked up to the tables where food is served.
Mike had told me things like "It's worth a try," and "It's been a long time, they'll probably let you eat."
We had discussed other people who had been barred, only to return again, like the guy who has Turret's syndrome, and would occasionally cause such a scene as to get himself thrown out of The Coffee Club. Two weeks later, there he would be again; until his next flare up of symptoms, when the process would be repeated.
What A Joke Of A Christian, You Are!
Not you, dear reader; read on...
When I got to the table, I recognized the guy who had been scooping grits. He had been transferred to a coffee pouring assignment. To his left was the guy who had been handing out bags of chips on that fateful morning, a month ago. He had now been moved (promoted?) to the grits scooping department.
I intended to ask the guy pouring coffee if I was still barred, but before I could open my mouth, the former chip hander-outer nudged the guy pouring coffee and then pointed at me whereupon the pourer said to me "You're not supposed to be here, you need to leave!"
I just gave him a smile which I hoped said "What a joke of a Christian you are!"
He probably thinks the same of me, but that is the point entirely; he's no better.
I almost took out my phone, pointed it at him and said into it something like: "There you have it, my 4,000 Facebook friends; church folk who refuse to forgive one individual, even though the bible states that "all have sinned and fallen short of the grace of God!"
The camcorder wouldn't have been running, of course because I hadn't prepared for that contingency (I was actually thinking that they would demand that I apologize to the guy who's life I vaguely threatened, after which they would give me my egg). I would pause on my way out and pretend to be filming the plaque which hangs near the door, which is an award from the Homeless Coalition from 2002, for some grand achievement in the assistance of the needy.
That was probably the year that they figured out how to boil an egg.
Behind Me, Satan!
I had to steer myself away from feelings of anger. I thought about how I could expose them as being "in it" only to receive a tax exemption or for some other self-serving purpose. Could I write something up, print it and scatter copies in their parking lot? Should I slash the tires of the grits scooper's late model BMW which he drives every morning with his scoop in the passenger seat? Should I get hold of a weapon and actually shoot the chip guy? Would that be extreme, if I just aimed to wound???
These were questions that raged in my brain.
Instead, I took the high road. The road that goes to Starbucks, where I used the gift card that the Lidgleys sent me to get a cup of coffee superior to the one offered at The Coffee Club, one that I didn't have to wait in a line for and be cut in front of by several people, afraid that Starbucks was going to run out of coffee.
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I Got Into Some Pretty Satanic Stuff Down In New Orleans....BOO!! |
Out Of My Father's House, Hypocrites!!
I DO plan upon being at that holy place at 8:30 sharp on Sunday morning, when I will take them up on their "Everyone Welcome" offer which appears on their sign out front.
I think I will pray out loud; maybe give my "testimony," and subtly let the pricks know what I think of them.
I love the part of the bible (now more than ever) where Jesus overturns the tables of the money lenders, and tells them that they have turned our Father's house into a "den of thieves."
I just might be led to rush the altar and tip it over, flinging burning candles everywhere and scattering their idols east and west.
I'm curious to see how they would handle such a situation. I've never been tossed out of a church before, I think it would be neat...and would raise public awareness.
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