3,000 people, at least, walked by where I was sitting on some steps, out of the rain. I made 7 dollars off of those people, and I am thankful for those 7 people out of 3,000.
The rain came and went, never very heavy, but never compleatly stopping.
At halftime, Sue and I went to find a store, where I spent two dollars on beers for each of us.
I decided, after some coaxing from Sue, to forego the exiting crowd from the stadium as, the one's that I saw were wearing "The New Orleans Scowl" on their faces, blending in with everyone else.
I started walking towards the gay half of the quarter, or the gay eighth, I guess. Sue was tired and decided to re-tire to her spot out of the rain.I went on to make two more whole dollars, from a couple guys who looked as queer as a three dollar bill.
I managed to end up all the way down by Frenchman Street, where I had no more success and spent another 4 bucks on more beer, before going to the sleeping spot that I have found in LeMond Park, and sleeping.
I found no food left by the trash cans like I had the previous night. When people leave restaurants and get tired of carrying their doggie-styrofoams, they place them by the trash cans, apparently for the homeless, instead of throwing them away. This is as close to kindness as they dare approach. I am surprised that any of them make it to the trash can without being asked for the food in their hands by a bum.
Tropical Depression Lee
We are supposed to have heavy rains the next few days. I am down to three dollars and change, have $1.87 on my food card, and about 30 bucks worth of coffee on my Starbucks card. I guess I know where I will be sitting out the depression. It's pretty depressing.
The library is closing early due to "approaching inclement weather" so I have 12 minutes remaining to finish this post.
New Orleans has been the biggest disappointment of the year, and that includes my being jailed for 71 days.
If I had started my street music career here, I probably wouldn't be a street musician.
The musicians are better here and payed less here than anywhere I have been.
I don't think I will be able to play tonight unless it is under some kind of cover, which will give the tourists one more excuse NOT to throw me anything.
It seems that they are all here for other reasons than to listen to street performers, except for the 9 people who threw me each a dollar.
I sat all morning in Starbucks, nursing a coffee and a re-fill. I am missing the free meal at St. Jude's in order to post this post before the library closes in 7 minutes.
I don't know what else to add except when (not if) I leave here next week, I will have to choose which train to hop, the eastbound or the westbound (for California).
I will probably go back to Mobile to "regroup" and come up with some kind of strategy.
Right now, things are depressing.
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